So I’ve posted before about struggling with a low libido. I haven’t changed anything much but I decided last night to surprise hubby with a bj while he was playing video games.
I did the same tonight and then when he kissed me goodnight we got hot and heavy and went for a second round (have not done that in three years). I was so excited and amazed because I enjoyed it and wanted more. I’m never like this and I feel giddy, like I got my mojo back.

  1. Sometimes just initiating sex, even when not totally in the mood, can really get you into it. I’ve seen a lot of people mention it here as recommendations for people with low sex drives and such. You kind of “force yourself” to have more sex and the hope is it kind of reminds you how much you actually love sex and brings your libido up.

  2. You made him feel wanted and he got turned on and reciprocated and you felt the same. Sometimes you need to unlock the desire

  3. Yes it does, I have tried to tell people, it comes back and gets kinkier as you age…It is the coolest thing.

  4. Biological urge can overwhelm mental/emotional blocks. If we initiate sex, often our brains and genitals come along for the ride soon enough. It’s hard-wired. It is similar to the response to seeing people having sex – we see sex, we want sex. My exes and I used to use porn to “prime the pump” in this manner if it had been a long day and we wanted sex but were having trouble initiating it.

  5. It’s always the best case scenario when both sides are initiating. It feels good to be wanted.

  6. my libido is dead. I flirt I talk big but I wont have sex really dont want to. Lost interest in it and thus really lost interest in women in general. To many liars and selfish ones they all killed my sex drive probably for good.

  7. I relate to you so much, I’ve had a 3 year long dry spell and recently I woke up from it, it’s a long story but I’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying yourself!

  8. I read on the internet that men transfer testosterone via deep kissing. Don’t know if that’s true but testosterone does increase female libido. And if saliva contains testosterone, might semen too?

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