First, I (18F) know this is just how I feel and that I’m lacking alot of confidence in myself, but I desperately need help.

I have no friends so I can’t go hangout with people, I have no car to go places, and I don’t know how to conversate with strangers. I graduated highschool so i cant make friends there. I have severe trust issues with women also.. I had a friend that betrayed me, lied, told me to hurt myself and tried to seduce my boyfriend. I don’t want to generalize everyone but it makes it very hard for me to trust anyone. I know these things can take time most people aquire these things through experience, im only 18 but this is bothering me beyond being able to ignore it.

Lately I’ve been thinking about who I am and my heart hurts. I stay home, play video games, draw, hangout with my boyfriend and go to work. My boyfriend always has so much to talk about but when it comes to me all i can say is “nothing much”. I feel like I’m so boring he’ll eventually leave me. I mean, who wants to be with someone who never has anything to talk about? No stories of adventure? Just plain “ok”.

I really want to fix this but a part of me is telling myself I’ve already lost my chances to make friends. That I’ve already lost my chance to be someone. I’d love advice or tips, any sort of help. Thanks.

  1. You have all the chances of the world 🙂 you just need to take some steps.

    And you can start with really small steps, after you take one the next will become much easier.

    You want more adventure? Google which fun things you can do near to you, choose one and go there

    Want friends? Just say hi to somebody new… at sports or coffee shop or wherever you go…

    Just start with small steps

    You can do it😊

  2. Tell your bf to help you out. Easy peasy.

    Also, people in general suck. You aren’t missing anything. go out and make mistakes, it’s the only way you will learn.

  3. Seems like you have lots of time on your hands. Learn new things and see what you like.

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