Right now I need to know that because my father is inviting some people and I’ll have to eat with them. When this happens I always feel very awkward when I want to leave the table to go to my room, and I’m not sure what to say.

But it would be useful in other circumstances too, like when I’m with a group of people talking and I already have to leave. It’s always an awkward situation for me

I’d appreciate some advice, thanks!

  1. Just think of an good excuse why you have to leave the table. So the scenario would be that you would like to stay, but you really really need to got to your room to …. (do some work or whatever).

    When you have this excuse before somebody is coming, the situation will be much easier

  2. For the other people (your age), “Well, gotta bounce. It’s been greating hanging with you, hope we can do it again soon!”

    For the situation in your home that’s more difficult, because depending on who they are it may or may not be okay to excuse yourself to chill in your room. In any case, the natural time to do that is when the dinner is over and they’re switching to the living room. “Well, I’ve got to get some studying done, it was great to see you!” etc.

  3. I don’t know how old you are but “I need to go study for a really important test/presentation” should always work. Even as an adult you can always say you can say you’re taking an online class.

    My favorite excuse is Cleveland from Family Guy: ” I have terrible foot odor”.

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