**Im sorry if some of this is confusing, English is my second language I apologise for any mistakes

I( male 18) and my friend (female 18) have been friends since we were 13. We have been best friends since then, but I met her when she was visiting her family in my country one summer. So she lives far away. I would see her whenever she visited (about 5 times per year) until Covid-19 hit in 2020.

Even though her family can travel now, they haven’t because their family has been visiting them in America. So there is no reasons to come, even though she asks. Also her family got a dog who is crazy and can’t be boarded or watched. So they must stay home.

But we still call everyday, and this past year we have gotten much closer, and now we flirt a lot and we would probably date if we lived in the same country. We also treat each other like we are dating if that makes any sesnse. Perhaps we could be long-distance but I’m afraid to ask and she might be as well, but that’s a different story.

Anyway we have begun to do stuff on FaceTime. Like sexual things. I don’t know the correct term. But I hope you understand what I mean. So my problem is that sometimes when we are done she will cry and become sad. It is not all the time so I’m having trouble understanding why. I asked her and she only says “I don’t know” or something like “I just love you”. But it is not tears of joy, she gets sad. I’m afraid she might not want to tell me the truth because I suggested once that we shouldn’t do it because I don’t want her to be upset. Or perhaps she just doesn’t want to tell me. Could you please help me understand why she does this?

TLDR: My friend that is like my gf sometimes is crying after we do sexual stuff together on FaceTime and I don’t understand why because she will not tell me a true answer.

1 comment
  1. Sounds like she really likes you and wishes you guys could be together physically. She is most likely sad because the facetime fun you two are having is the best she can hope for right now and wants to be with you.

    Don’t feel weird about it, it’s natural to feel sad when you are away from someone you love.

    But talk to her about the relationship and where ypu want it to go. Get on the same page together and see if there is anyway you guys can arrange to meet.

    Good luck

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