I thought ive made a friend and turns out he is slowly ghosting me, probably because i dont know how to hold a conversation and I only know how to send memes and talk about my interests because i dont know anything else. (Ofc i listen and im interested by THEIR interests too).

I want friends. Im soo alone. Beside my bf i have no one to talk to, even to send memes + my social anxiety is soooo high that i cant just sit at a coffee shop and talk to people. And i have a bunch of diagnosis that makes makinf friends way more difficult. I have BPD or Bipolar2, ADHD, AvoidantPD, schizotypalPD, but I think/im sure I’m autistic (I’ve read and did a LOT of researched about it for 5 years) but they prefer to diagnose me with a bunch of disorder instead (disorders that doesnt even makes sens). Im so lost and cant stand being alone anymore. Im alone its been 2years and a half I cant do it anymore.

  1. If you’re in a community it gives people a chance to get to know you, and for you to get to know people. An interest-based community means you’ll have more in common with them, plus it’s one of the only options nowadays.

    It’s hard even for people with more easy personalities to make friends without a community, so I think it’s an important place to start.

  2. Be more *interested* than interesting.

    Be willing to listen and give your full attention.

    Follow up, when appropriate and stay in touch when available.

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