A month and a half ago I had a sex accident. Heard a pop but didn’t experience loss of erection and had no symptoms of classic fractured penis so I didn’t go to ER. Def had pain but nothing excruciating like med websites say. I had sex in the morning after no problem. Was able to have erections for two weeks with some pain but nothing excruciating. There was very slight brusing a few days later and soreness but that’s it. 2 and a half weeks later and overnight, I developed a hard and tender area in middle of shaft. I did see a urologist this week and he said I likely did fracture it. My heart sank. Frustrating because I would have gone to ER that night if I had known that not all fractures look like the god awful purple penis pictures etc. I wish the literature out there online would reflect that.

Now when erect, my penis is all deformed, like totally done…and all ffed up. I have a hard painful lump halfway down the shaft that won’t go away and is tender to touch. The tip of my penis won’t inflate and get hard. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I am just 43 and my sex life/relationship life is over. If you ever hear a pop and pain, get to the ER. You could have a fracture. If I had done that, my outcome now would likely be different I think. The “you know when you fracture your penis stuff” is BS. I’m looking at a very lonely life ahead of me and I’m terrified:(

  1. Wait, first of all, I didn’t even know that was possible. Second, will it not heal and go back to normal? Can you never get an erection again?

  2. I’m not a doctor and I don’t know the extent of your situation exactly…. But I’m sure that can be fixed with surgery.

    I would look into it more and DEFINITELY get a second opinion. And a third and fourth… If you need it.

    But research it a bit and research some good doctors. Even if you have to travel.

    Good luck man. I hope you get full recovery. But please don’t quit and assume you’re screwed.

  3. I’m sorry you have experienced this trauma; it’s fresh and all you can think about is the bad outcome and “what ifs”. But even the worst case scenario happens and you can’t unfortunately have sex anymore, doesn’t mean you won’t ever have sex or meaningful relationships again. Sex doesn’t need to Involve a penis and you can find other ways to experience pleasure yourself. There is alot of disabled people who live happy, sexual lives even if they do not have access to their private areas. Sending lots of healing to you.

  4. I’m sorry this happened and I hope your recovery goes well.

    But for perspective, I’ve been seeing a partner for over a year now and we’ve been having incredible sex that has only involved PIV a handful of times. Your sex/relationship life doesn’t have to be over, nor does it need to feel like it’s lacking. It’ll be an adjustment for sure, and it may take some imagination, but you can have a fantastic sex life still if you want it.

  5. I fractured my penis as a teenager and you wouldn’t know it now. Can’t comment on yours specifically, but after months of healing I was left with a small, hard “lump” like scar.

    I thought I’d ruined my sex life forever… it was pretty bad. Now it’s a funny story I can show people I’m intimate with. If I didn’t point it out, you wouldn’t notice.

  6. You should definitely see an urologist, ideally one who specializes in reconstructive urology, and sooner rather than later.

  7. This happened to me, took a while to manifest (like a month or two) also had semi painful erections as you describe with painful lumps, diagnosed with Peyronie’s and gave me some kind of med (I forgot but basically like a blood thinner to improve circulation) told me it may or may not improve. After about a year or two it gradually almost completely cleared away (can’t feel any lumps anymore but shaft is slightly dented/thinner at that spot, but it’s very slight.)

    My advice to you is don’t freak out, try to get erect as often as possible and send healing thoughts to that area. This is not necessarily game over (I had the exact same thoughts) and I’m not sure the ER could have done much anyway so let go of that story as well. Sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Edit: other advice: stay away from cowgirl with women who care more about hitting their g-spot than about you as a person

  8. Go to a urologist and check on all the corrective procedures that can be done. None of them are painless but they can do all kinds of amazing things to your best friend now a days. But get your info from a doc, not the internet.

  9. That is one of the main vessels popping and you have probably gotten some fibrotic tissue accumulated where the healing happened.
    Get surgery and have it removed and straightened.
    You d!ck isn’t dead….yet

  10. There are surgeries which can help you out.
    This is 2023 woman with vaginas can get a whole ass dick hanging form their body you are already a dude bro.
    Consult a good plastic surgeon

    This is not the end of the road for you.

  11. Im sorry, it must be really hard to go through this. As a woman, I don’t think your sex life is over. You just need to be open upfront about your condition and discover your “new body”, what you enjoy most, less and communicate that to your partner(s).

  12. Oof! Not to be a jerk but if I EVER heard my penis make a snap, a crackle or a pop sound I’d not walk but RUN to the emergency room. I take my dick pretty seriously lol but for real you just keep searching for a competent dong doctor who will likewise take your cock seriously as well. There has got to be something that can be done here. Best wishes to you and your wang. That sounds de devastating to say the least.

  13. Praying for you. May I ask what position y’all were in or what exactly you were doing that I should be careful about?

  14. Nothing I can add other than feeling for you and I think we all are rooting and hoping you keep seeking specialists, get referrals, find what you need. Hang in there. I don’t know a guy in here not feeling for you and wondering what needs to be done to help get you back because it can happen to all of us.

  15. This is awful and feel bad for you.
    If you don’t mind sharing, what type of act were you doing to cause a fracture?
    Might help the rest of us to be careful while doing.

  16. Sounds like Peyronies. I don’t think there’s anything the doctors could have done if you made it too the ER.

  17. I swear I remember reading about some sort-of exercise/physical therapy for Peyronie’s. Can’t point you in the right direction, because I’ve never had it and didn’t take note, but something to look into. I had prostatitis, so it might’ve been related to that.

  18. No, nothing is over. Without going into details I read about someone who had 3 penile fractures in 7 years, and he relied on his manhood to earn his living, was it the end? Nope… 6 years since his last fracture and he is still fucking for living.
    That’s one thing, the other thing is you will be suprised of how many doctors out there who don’t know shit and are very dismissive to their patients, I have heard many stories about different doctors from General practitioners to oncologists who were shit doctors, and the patient made it just because they followed their inner gut
    that the doctor is not reliable and they asked for more opinions until they got the proper care and made a full recovery, some doctors might have gotten their medical degree from a cereal box. ask for recommendation for good urologists and surgeons and get more opinions ask more question on your prognosis and what to expect and if there’s-haven forbid- along term effect how to deal with it. I am sorry you are going through this now, and I hope you will get better soon.

  19. Have you tried to look into a reconstruction doctor instead of just a urologist? It may just not be a surgery they are personally comfortable performing since it is more rare.

    And your sex life isn’t over it. There are so many other sexual options that are still satisfying and enjoyable. Don’t throw in the towel yet.

  20. Massage the lump a couple times a day. Move in circular motions from the center out.

    Also, warm compress 15-20 minutes, a couple times a day to bring lots of blood to the area. Blood is rich in oxygen, and oxygen promotes healing.

    Also, look into penile rehabilitation in your area. I’m attaching a link to a site describing what it is.


    Lately, unless you are a shitty partner outside of PIV sex, you plenty of opportunity for a very fulfilling, sexual relationship! Get out of your mind, it’s in a dark place right now.

  21. This happened to me when I was 17 and had a curved up penis ever since then happened when I was 32 and now my penis is only slightly curved upward but girls love it lol

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