What have you got better at in your relationships over the years?

  1. Communicating. Before I just shut up and don’t say anything if I’m mad or sad or I dont agree on something. Now I can communicate it more. I think the person you’re with has a big role on what you get better in a relationship.

  2. Well I was a virgin when I met my husband so I’ve definitely came a long ways with bedroom stuff 😂

  3. My standards in relationships have come along way. I use to ignore lots of red flags just because I wanted someone to love me, but I’ve come to realize that if I’m gonna minimize who I am as a person in the beginning it’s just going to get worse or harder to leave. Also communicating the problems I have when they arise.

  4. Most of all, picking partners who care about my pleasure in bed. This progressively got better with every single person I dated.

    That leaves … everything else. 😅 per the post-mortem I did on my last relationship, the next important thing to me that I need to see rapid-fire improvement on is being authentic in my relationships and acknowledging that my nonsexual needs are valid, and that a life of brushing everything under the rug is not a life of authenticity. I hope I vastly improve there whenever my next relationship happens, and I like to think it’d be pretty hard not to see an improvement with everything I’ve been doing. But we’ll see, someday.

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