I a male(20) met a real nice girl (23) in early December.she stated she didn’t want to get too serious. We found out quickly we had great sexual chemistry and got along great as actual friends as well. And who guessed it we got serious. She introduced me to many great things and people. We truly meshed so well together. I haven’t had this much fun with a girl ever. However over valentines weekend and Valentine’s Day I could tell something was bothering her. I won’t disclose personal info but it’s some serious stuff. She told me on Valentine’s Day she needs to take a step back. I told her I understand and it was a really friendly conversation. We even smoked some weed and got intimate with eachother knowing it would be our last time together for a while. I am going to give her the space she needs, but I am now scared one of my favorite people isn’t going to be much of a player in my life. She’s perfect for me. I am not even angry or feeling bad for myself. We clearly have good feelings about eachother, we loved on eachother hard valentines evening. I plan on giving her space, but I want her to come back to me. Any suggestions?

TL;DR! Sexy friend needs space due to life being life. I wish I could be with her but giving space is prob the right thing to do.

1 comment
  1. When someone asks you for space, you just have to give it and move on with your life. It sounds like you understand this might very well be over and that’s good. Grieve if you need to, take a break from dating, whatever you have to do. But what you don’t do is try to circumvent what she needs.
    If she is coming back, she’ll come back.

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