Hello Reddit,

My gf (F20) and I (M20) had a planned date tomorrow (president’s day) as a late valentines date. We don’t spend much time as there’s a distance between us but see each other for less than 30 minutes at school. So, I initiated, and suggested this day as she’ll be off and I don’t have school. However today she canceled on me. She gave me a reason which seems justifiable but I don’t believe it. We dated for three months and became official not too long ago. So how do I respond to text of her canceling? Should I respond or leave her on read. Note: she did not suggest a reschedule of the date.

  1. If you’re three months in and think she’s lying about her reason for canceling, what’s the point of this relationship? I’d end it and move on.

  2. >. She gave me a reason which seems justifiable but I don’t believe it.


    What’s the reason, and why do you think she’s lying about it

    > Should I respond or leave her on read.

    Respond. All relationships need communication.

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