What are your thoughts about moving out at the age of 18?

  1. Depends on the situation. I personally did because the commute to my university wasn’t worth it from my place. Although i wouldn’t have minded living with my parents for another few years (especially financially), i do appreciate the skills i learned and the ability to build up my own network in my area. Don’t move out unless you want to/think that’s what’s best, is my advice.

  2. I couldn’t wait. I worked hard for college scholarships and my mom helped me get out of my racist, oppressive rural town. She died when I was 25 and I still miss her every day.

  3. I moved out at 17 and it was so hard. I’m encouraging my kids to stay home as long as they can to try and get some maturity and savings behind them.

  4. I did and I actually liked being on my own, but I probably should have waited till I was making more.

  5. Depends on the situation. Glad I didn’t, as the extra few years at home allowed me to start adulthood debt-free.

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