I play guitar when I’m at the park watching my kids. Sometimes people put money in my guitar case. Normally I smile and thank them but tell them I’m just watching my kids, not really performing, so I give the money back. This seems to make them really awkward. What should I do? Is it more polite to just accept it?

I have social anxiety and overthink things

  1. I think it’s more polite to just accept it. You don’t want the money, give it to somebody else.

  2. If you want to, write on a piece of paper, I don’t accept donations, thank you! Put this paper on the inside of the case where people can see. If they ask why you don’t accept donations, then reply I just like to practice playing my guitar while my kids have fun playing and before I started putting the sign up people that passed by would donate money to me believing I was a street performer haha.

  3. If you are comfortable with it you could also put up a sign saying any donations go to <insert charity of choice>. Could be a nice way to raise a few bucks for a cause you support while doing something you were gonna do anyways.

  4. Take the money and donate it. Give it to the next busker you see. Give it to an orphanage. Get horribly drunk. All good options.

  5. Off topic but I just wanted to say that sounds so sweet and wholesome you playing guitar while watching your kids play.

  6. Close the case and do not accept the money unless you are being clear that you are just here to watch your kids. WWJD

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