Like as a kinky person i see a lot of people hating on it and it’s like I’m hurting anybody whenever I get kinky with another person it’s always consensual so what’s the problem?

  1. There are certain kinks that just aren’t for me, but I’m only judging the illegal/highly unethical ones (that really just should be called perversions, not kinks, such as children, animals, dead people, etc)

  2. Some people are just judgemental assholes who can’t comprehend the fact that other people like different things to them & there’s nothing wrong with that so long as it’s all consensual.

  3. No problem at all! Kinks are like food condiments. I like some of them, others I don’t. That goes for the majority of people who like sex.

  4. People tend to dislike things they don’t understand, either from fear, indoctrination, or simple bandwagon riding. That’s just people and yeah it sucks. Not everyone who’s not into something is negative, though. A lot of people who aren’t kinky or who don’t have specific kinks have the YKINMK “you do you” mindset. That’s why we keep kinks to ourselves unless we know we’re in like-minded or supportive company/community or we broach the idea of kinks itself carefully to partners to test waters before getting more specific.

  5. Perhaps the people you hang out with? I’m mostly in nerd centric groups and it seems pretty sex and kink positive.

  6. Because they are kinks that are just down right disgusting and inhumane I can see why people do some kinks because the majority of kinks are do from some type of trauma but then there’s kinks that shouldn’t even be discussed

  7. Do you mean hate people who practise anything outside their personal boundaries or people who dont want to do things outside their personal boundaries? The first are assholes and the second are usually known as normal. The main thing is finding compatibility.

  8. Because some of the most controversial kinks involve stuff that’s either illegal or considered wrong in real life.

    Consider CNC. Even if you both enjoy it, it’s messed up on some level you’re getting off fantasizing about a very evil and traumatic experience. People with BDSM kinks often had a period in their life when they wondered if there is something wrong with them.

    Indulging in fantasies of bad stuff for entertainment isn’t obviously okay. Lot of people into stuff like this only managed to accept this when they leanrt there is a huge number of good, normal people who do the same.

    As a person who is only into the milder BDSM stuff, I’m turned on by idea of making her and me feel certain way – dominant/ helpless/etc.

    I’m not into obviously unnatural positions where the other person cant move and is akin to a doll that are common on bdsm sub. I’m very *turned off* by the insane amount of marks that are left in some of those videos. I don’t want to do anything that will leave marks and I’m uncomfortable with hitting my partner in any way, shape or form. That’s simply something I don’t ever intend on doing. (Oddly I’m far more comfortable with being on the receiving end of that.) Choking is another big no-no, never happening.

    Anyways, even being that averse to physically hurting anyone during sex, as I teenager I was worried I’ll become a psycho if I keep masturbating to rough sex fantasies. And I’m into some kinds of rough sex.

    Taboo against hurting anyone is very strong, especially if you’re a guy, so lots of people take time to become comfortable with that and might react negatively when first introduced to the idea.

  9. The same reason the dark is terrifying.

    The automatic reaction to the unknown is to defend against it.

    It took my wife quite some time to see “kinky” as a compliment. She is there now and finally OK with the fact what we do for fun is our own business. She has become my kinky little contributor, even started buying stuff herself.

  10. People shouldn’t be judgemental…..whatever a couple want to do is fine(obviously not anything child related)
    Whether it’s toys, other people’s company, public places….etc.Maybe if more people had a more open mind in the bedroom, they would be less uptight.

  11. I think mainly because kink isn’t associated with relationship norms, people think you can’t do that in relationships.

    Im pretty kinky and open to a lot, and I get shocked looks.

    My biggest kink is having a partner fuck other men, that does not go down well in society and dating.

  12. I’m a fucking horn dog. I will do anything and am never fully satisfied. Where the fuck are these kinky bitches to play hide the sausage with my dong?

  13. Because deep down people are afraid to come out of the kink closet. Due to being judged. I personally try not to yuck someone else’s yum. Unless it is illegal. Some would rather look at porn instead of putting themselves out there and being honest. I also believe it’s about trust and that is lacked just about everywhere. Just my take. 🤷‍♀️ I am down to explore and experiment… but haven’t found the right person.

  14. With sex, people start getting really hyperaware and defensive about EXPECTATIONS being created around dating and relationship social environments.

    If there’s a feeling like something is being not just normalized, but STANDARDIZED. Even if it’s not actually the case and it’s an irrational fear, there’s still this lingering mentality of killing the weed before it spreads that people have with sex in particular, social driven of course, but undeniably, incomprehensibly, and fundamentally biologically driven.

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