Men Of Reddit. What happened after you fucked your best friend?

  1. Relationship of 2 years then a nasty breakup. It seems that what made us work as friends worked against us in a relationship.

  2. We started “dating ” and after 4 years of friendship and a couple of intimacy she moved into my house over the holidays and all is going well. When she’s thru with her residency I’m gonna marry her. We’ve already talked about it.

  3. Ruined the whole friend group by splitting in 2 after our break up, friend group never reconciled

  4. What I want to know is where these people truly your best friend or where you just waiting to have sex with them?

  5. She lives with me now. we’ve been together for three years now. Best thing that’s happened to me.

  6. We moved in together, then got married, had two kids and bought a business together. Celebrating our 15th anniversary in a couple months.

  7. We sort of dated for a month or two. Shit broke down, we talked for a bit after but it went sideways. We haven’t talked in years and lost my longest guy friend in the process.

    We were such great friends and I miss her (and him). Wasn’t worth it

  8. The most recent time? We got married.

    First couple times….eventually ended in a pretty nasty breakup and didn’t speak again.

  9. My best friend is a girl, but it’s like having a hot sister.

    It wouldn’t happen no matter how wasted we were. But if we did, we’d probably throw up during the first second.

    There are only a few times a man is allowed to say “ick”.


  10. Oh man…. you have a few hours to hear this one out?

    Loooooooooong story short. We’re still friends and care about one another deeply. The road wasn’t easy tho.

  11. So my childhood slash teen best friend the girl next door, literally. It was rural area and we were the only ones close in age. We were best friends, she was a Tom boy so we played in the woods and did kid things, that turned into teen things like smoking and or drinking. Which turned into us both being the others first. Crazy I knew her for like decade. Turns out her mother was on meth and cheating on her dad so they moved away shortly after.

    Never saw her again. Never found her on social media. Since it was the mid 00. Crazy memory there.

  12. We did it on my 19th birthday when we were both wasted. Did it again a few more times when we both struck out at the bar. Sometimes when we were bored she’d text me and say come over with this face “^_-“ before emojis were a thing and I knew what she meant. I’d do the same obviously. Still friends. She was actually a bridesmaid for my wife in our wedding.

  13. We’ll we fucked first so I’d say it’s worked out lol. Gonna marry her and it’s great. We live together and it feels like a sleepover with your best friend every night.

    Conversely I’ve hooked up with girls that i was platonically close with. Didn’t ruin our friendships but it was weird as hell during and right after.

  14. We were friends. We teased each other until we dated, which we did for a short time. What made us good friends made for a stormy relationship. We broke up but kept sleeping together for quite awhile because we couldn’t stop cause it was really good. After we finally stopped, she ended up with someone else and married him. He hated me and was super jealous, so of course she wasn’t allowed to hang out with me or even in a group of friends whenever I was present. Their marriage ended and we started hanging out again. We are back to being best friends and hang out often, though we do not sleep together, just hang out. We discuss the shitty pitfalls of trying to date in today’s world. Help each other from being lonely. It’s been an up and down adventure. All this over the course of 20 years.

  15. Been doing that for 17 years. Depends on the time of day. Might snuggle and go to sleep. Might have a whole day of activities planned.

  16. As a bi man: our relationship got more sexual now in that we express that to eachother, but otherwise there was no change in how i treat him or vice versa. There is no chance of us pursuing a romantic relationship as he has a boyfriend, they are poly, I am not atleast past sex. Just giving the homies brojobs i guess xD

  17. Night of vodka and it happened.. my Bf and yoga instructor… we are married happily with a beautiful son

  18. It only took a year and four months until the wedding.

    That will be 25 years, five kids and three grandchildren this July.

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