So 3 years ago, my wife of 13 years cheated on me with several people over the course of about a month. At the time, the business I had started a year earlier was really starting to take off, and for the first time in my life I felt proud of myself. My wife had been supporting our family for far too long, and I really was using the prospect of earning her pride as fuel to keep working what felt like 24/7. I could feel that I huge shift in my life was imminent, just didn’t realize that it was going in the total opposite direction.
Fast forward 3 years to now, I barely recognize myself. The business is completely lost, all my success is gone with nothing to show for it. I’ve done things that I swore I’d never do, and today I discovered that my wife has done it again. Our family is now ruined with no hope of reconciliation. I feel more depressed and lost than I ever have in my life. I hate myself in ways I never knew existed.
Sorry for the rant, just please reconsider cheating on your spouse, if you’re considering it. I’d rather go through the death of my mother or brother again than have to deal with pain any longer.

  1. It’s the most damaging and painful thing I’ve ever been through. And I have endured a lot of pretty horrific, fucked up things. I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve this.

  2. Hey OP,


    Life has a funny way of kicking you while you’re down. What I don’t want you to do is come to the conclusion that your wife’s actions are a reflection of your failures. Ideally, when we take our vows the intention is to support through hell and high water.

    She made the decision to go outside of the marriage of her own fucked up moral compass, not as a result of your business failing.

  3. You comparison is absolutely true. I buried my beloved father six weeks before finding out my wife was cheating. The cheating was many times more painful. I can look back on my fathers life with happiness and gratitude, but can never look back at my wife’s infidelity with anything but disgust and red hot anger.

  4. You started a business in 2018/2019 and it started taking off before 2020 only to have it fall apart during a global recession? Is it possible that the cheating wasn’t the only thing at play?

    I feel like putting everything on that might only make you feel more powerlessness. I’m sorry it happened to you.

  5. Very sorry you’re going through this. Someday you’ll be able to look back on these darkest of days and see the seeds of the new life that you’re about to build. Hang in there.

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