Hi! So there’s this concert I was thinking to go to and I signed up on a waiting list since December and now I got a ticket which I can reclaim until tomorrow for just 30€ . While this price is unbeatable, I don’t have any one to go with and I don’t know if I should go alone, don’t know if it’s going to be as fun. Some months ago, I bought 2 tickets for my friend and I for another concert but because he couldn’t come anymore, I didn’t go either and I kind of feel bad (wasted money and also didn’t go :’( ). As a shy person, how do you think I can meet or approach people? Is it weird to go alone.

EDIT: Thanks for the advices and the warm encouragement ☺️ . I decided to buy the ticket and not repeat the last experience and go by myself and enjoy it !!!

  1. it might not be as fun, but if its an artist you really like you should definitely go. ive done it before and i didnt regret it at all

  2. There is absolutely no problem with going alone. You like the artist, perfect! Then go and enjoy his music.

    Don’t think that other people will judge you for this. No one will.

    Everybody thought about this before, and you are one of the people that have enough courage to really do it!

    So have fun at the concert 😄


    And meeting new people is really not as hard as it seems. Just start with: Hi

    And when the other person answers you have started a conversation and met a new person, it is really that easy. And if you don’t know what to talk about: Talk about the moment, what is going on right now, where are you, what is happening… everything else will be easy 😉

  3. It’s absolutely not weird to go alone. You can also sell your extra ticket to recoup the cost if you can’t find anyone to go with or plans fall through.

  4. I went to a Rise Against concert with a friend, and when she left to use the restroom I started chatting with another woman who was there by herself. She drove over 50 miles to make the concert, and she just joined us until the end.
    As everyone else says, go, enjoy the music, maybe you make new friends, maybe you just vibe and dance by yourself. Either way, sounds fun 🙂

  5. I separated 4 years ago and only late last year went to my first ever concert alone. It was a heaven. No one talking to me through the show so I could just sit back and soak it up. Would 100% recommend !

  6. Definitely go! I can divide my life into pre fest and post. It was the best decision to go for music festivals. That said make sure you’re safe, carry a backpack and water bottle. Walk away from people who give you weird vibes, trust your intuition. Have fun!!

  7. I went this week alone to a concert, for the first time, and it was awesome. At the beginning it was a bit awkward standing alone, but i met someone who was alone there too and we talked. This was totally out of my comfort zone, but i wouldve definetly regretted it not going there. So yes, you should go! And by the way, even if you dont talk to someone it doesnt matter, once the music starts you will enjoy it regardless if you are alone or not.

  8. I go to concerts alone. Nobody cares. Most of the time it’s too loud to talk anyway. I like it because I can move around freely (at standing shows) and arrive as late or early as I want.

  9. I’ve been to concerts alone and have always had a good time. I always ended up meeting people who were as excited about the music as I was. It was always fun, definitely go!

  10. You totally should! Going alone to a concert is way less noticeable than eating alone at a restaurant.

  11. As a fellow (formerly) shy person, go to the concert. Have a great time and go make some new friends. You can meet or approach people easily at concerts by getting in the pit and then throwing people the horns because that song ripped. Smile at them while you do this, which wont be hard, because you’re having a great time. Then, go back to dancing! Go to the bar and sit down, say hello to your neighbors and then watch the concert while you enjoy your drink. Most importantly, don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about whether or not you will make friends or have anyone to talk to at all. Just have a good time. When people see you having a good time, they see you as a fun person to interact with. And often, they do.

  12. Definitely go alone. It’s almost easier to just get lost in the show and really enjoy it when you know that nobody knows you. It’s an opportunity to be fully yourself and just enjoy your time. I work shows for a living and I can tell you that everyone involved on our side, the venue staff and touring crew try to be conscious and aware of everyone’s safety and comfort. If you find yourself not having a good time or feeling unsafe for any reason, get our attention. It’s our jobs to make sure everyone has a good time as best we can.

  13. I’ve gone to a concert alone before and it’s great. You can just enjoy the music without having to deal with anyone else

  14. I think the main reason to go is to attend a concert for the artist u really love so if this is the situation u really should go + u may try to make some new friends there or dance with some random nice people it’ll be fun

  15. Hell yeah I sometimes go to concerts alone an I have a great time. Sometimes I like it better then going with ppl. Just have a few drinks when you get there to loosen up an mingle.

  16. It’s not weird to go alone. I go to places alone from theaters to reggeton concerts, I don’t care. If I want to see something and nobody wants to go with me, we’ll AWAY I GOOO…
    And don’t be afraid of people thinking “ahh look at that loser alone” No, you are just secure of yourself and won’t wait for others to do the things you want to do. And if they are afraid to be seen alone in a concert wish one is really the loser??

    Go and have fun, you got this. 👍

  17. I’m in the same boat as you, about to attend my first concert all by myself in three weeks time. With the little difference that I only bought one ticket knowing no one I knew liked that artist. I’m equally terrified but decided to challenge myself. I am 35 but one is never too old to try something new, I guess.

  18. I wouldn’t go alone because I’m a woman and I’m scared.

    But if your reason is purely social, absolutely go alone! Give yourself every pep talk and prepare mentally to pretend you’re a different kind of person. A person who walks up to someone else and says “man I love your sneakers!”. The kind of person who doesn’t hesitate to dance in public. That’s what I’d do at least. If you meet people great! And if you don’t, you still enjoyed the concert: great!

  19. I’ve sold thousands of tickets to people through my record shop job, and people buying single tickets would almost always have a comment about it. I never judged and my go-to comment back was usually “there will be plenty of people there, you won’t be alone.” And it’s true, tons of people who also like the band you’re going to see (built-in icebreaker), plus there’s a show going on, you’re not going to socialize the entire time. Also, if it’s a band/artist you really want to see, GO!! you never know when the opportunity will come again. Cheers!

  20. I’ve done it many times. I enjoy the show very much whether just being on my own to be able to focus and enjoy it or if I happen to end up chatting and engaging with some other people

  21. Definitely go by yourself! I’ve been to several concerts by myself and even if I don’t talk to anyone, I still have a great time!!

  22. I went to a 3 day music festival by myself once. I ended up meeting these 2 couples that were camping there. I had a great time hanging out with them. They kept giving me drinks all weekend. I actually ran into one of the couples a few years later at that same festival and we all partied again. It was a great time.

  23. I do it all the time! You don’t have to talk to people but sometimes it’s fun just chatting with the folks around you. Ymmv of course. I’d recommend you do it.

  24. I went to a concert alone (not once) and found out that there’s also people who went there alone as well. You can make friends as there too.

  25. My attitude is this: If u want to go to the show, then go! Even if for a moment you will be sharing this with other fans… some will cheer just as u do. I’m a baseball fan .. but no one in my circle likes my teams.. so when I can I will go alone… sure it feels lonely but we all slap fives when our team makes a hit or any other good move. I’m there to root for my team….. if I wait for others to join me I will never get there. So I do my own thing. So can you

  26. I used to go alone to concerts. I have a hard time making friends, but at the same time I’m a social butterfly and will chat with anyone standing next to me. I ended up chatting with the people waiting in line around me and never felt weird or out of place.

  27. don’t let it stop you! i was in the same situation where i didnt have anyone to go with, but it was my favorite artist. i just completely immersed myself in the concert and it was amazing! i also met some people in the line, but we didn’t stick together after that. it was more about me focusing on the performance though so i ended up being really happy. you should go!

    like some others have said, you also just keep to completely focus on the music and not deal with people. crowd moves up you can just go on instead of dragging your friend with you

  28. Yes! Don’t miss out on anything. I went to many shows and music festivals and theme parks by myself. No regrets

  29. I have always gone to concerts alone. It’s so fun when ur there with your fav bands and music. The crowds are also into it too!

  30. I’ve watched a concert alone that was at a festival. My sister and her man where there but at a different concert. I had fun mainly because it was the love of my life Eminem and my life just peaked. Lol but everyone’s focused on the act more so. So u shouldn’t feel awkward.

    Only issue is safety. Especially if you want to drink. Stay mostly sober (enough to were you’re aware enough of your surroundings and keep your belongings with you. ) also drinks lots and lots of water. The dehydration hits quick.

    So socially shouldn’t be a problem; more safety health wise you gotta be aware and take precautions.

  31. Have fun! My niece went with us old fogies to a concert once since we had an 8 pack of tickets.

    We told her to go enjoy herself and meet us later to leave.

    She ended up having the most fun at a concert she ever had. Talked to strangers, wiggled her way to the front. Seat surfed all over the place. Made new friends on social media.

    You can have an absolute blast alone!

  32. I live in the UK but I’m from NYC, so I Dont have many friends. When Bieber comes to London, I’m going alone so I can fully have fun lol

  33. Going alone will help build your character. It will force you into situations that will help your social skills.

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