I’m finding it difficult to want to be intimate with my boyfriend without cringing or being uncomfortable with it. He hasn’t done anything to make me uncomfortable but I think the idea of that he has very limited experience sexually might be a huge turn off for me because I don’t want to have to lead everything on my own. I’m not a dominant person and neither is he and I’m starting to think we aren’t sexually compatible. We don’t necessarily have a private space at the moment either other than renting a hotel or being uncomfortable and awkward in a car. I’m just at a loss as to what to do and I worry I will hurt his feelings by bringing it up. Any advice? Xx

1 comment
  1. OP, your partner having limited experience doesn’t make him stupid. You want him to take a leading role – he can still do that he just needs a couple of times to get a sense of motions. He would need to put effort in to learn stuff but that’s perfectly doable if he’s motivated.

    You can send him some ‘tutorials’ on how sex works and common things to try – internet is full of useful information even on topics like this. You’ll also need to tell him what you like.

    I think the bigger issue is your lack of private space. Would your parents allow him to come over?

    Don’t phrase it like inexperience is a turn off. Tell him that you’d like him to learn and be more knowledgeable in the bedroom and show stuff to him if you get a chance. If he’s interested he’ll be able to take a lead after a couple of times when you show him how it works.

    He literally doesn’t know what he likes yet.

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