So this girl I like in college was talking about how she doesn’t really do anything through out the week. She didn’t say this randomly we were casually talking about our plans for the week coming. So I asked her “well we could chill sometime if you want”, she responded saying something like “Yeah but you are only in \[City\] on Mondays :/”.

I’m a commuter that travels to college only on mondays, even though I would be willing to travel on other days just to meet with her I didn’t say it in the moment. Now I’m afraid of asking her to hang out again without coming off like I am desperate to be around her, what do I do?

1 comment
  1. In my opinion, being honest is the best way to go, however, a small lie can be useful in this kind of scenarios, so I would say something like: “Hey do you want to do something on [any day other than Monday]? I’ll be here to do some stuff in the morning and it’d be a waste to go back so early.”.

    What’s important is that you’d be ready for a “yes” or a “no”, so have a plan for either case. And good luck hanging out with her!!!

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