She is very shy but has started warming up to me recently, we have talked about maybe dating one day and she said she could see something happening between us. She doesn’t reach out first hardly ever but I’ve kinda come to the conclusion that it’s because she’s shy and introverted she takes hours to respond and isn’t the best at conversation but I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she’s just awkward or not quite comfortable with me yet. We have hung out with a small group together in the past but yesterday was the first time we went out together on our own. She wanted to go out so we went on a day trip driving to a scenic spot I know and got dinner while we were there. It seemed like she had fun, lots of laughing and talking and everything but as soon as we were back it was back to the same routine. I am terrible at reading body language and actions and I have no idea if she’s interested or not. Our mutual friends who know her better than me say that they think she’s interested but I’m not sure what to think. Any advice helps!

TLDR: I’m bad at reading signals and don’t know if this shy girl is uninterested in me or if she just doesn’t know how to talk to me

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