Basically, me and my boyfriend are just texting about whatever. Then he tells me he received a message from someone. He opens the message and tells me its a lady with a dress one. Then he tells me its a lady without the dress on. And yeah, its obvious he’s receiving nudes from some random girl. Then he keeps telling me their are more messages but why does he keep opening them like just block. Fast forward, we keep texting then i make a joke about the lady with the dress. He tells me has been recieving more images and that he has seen everything. Like what does he want me to do with this information? Congratulate him? He also tells me he doesn’t like her hair lmao. Then i reply ‘good to know that that’s the only thing you don’t like about her’. Then he says ‘what do you mean, i only like you’. Then i just say sure and it gets a bit awkward and he starts talking about sharks. I just say goodbye and then we stopped messaging. He has never ever done anything wrong or made me feel inferior and i can at least appreciate that he told me he was receiving that but i feel like he shouldn’t have kept opening the message and stuff. Sure, i should’ve made it more clear that i didn’t like it and talk to him about it but I’m just slightly annoyed now and i just didn’t want to talk to him currently.

  1. No you are completely entitled to feel like that, relationships are about trust and comfort. If you don’t feel you were receiving that then you have every right to be upset or angry. IMO, I think you should talk to him about it because it was most likely a misunderstanding however communication is really important and things will only drag out and worsen if you ignore them.

  2. Can someone please tell me why a woman would randomly start sending nudes without prompting, is this a common occurrence? I would have thought there’s some history between the two for that to actually happen.

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