Ever since my boyfriend moved in his brother (11 months ago) it has been hell for me. He told my boyfriend that he’ll get a job right away. I gave his brother take out when I got my bf and I takeout just to be kind..then one time I heard his brother saying that I was “so annoying” mimicking my voice. He called me a bitch. I wish I never listened in. I got so mad. I took my desk chair back from him that I gave to him for gaming. My boyfriend talked to him. Nothing happened with the brother he just got really passive aggressive. He started slamming doors..get mad at me when I would go out of my room to eat. Staring at me while I would make my meals in the kitchen mad. My boyfriend has told him 3 times to stop being passive aggressive to me but he lies to my boyfriend and says it’s not true. Now I just go out to eat I can’t take it. I feel so uncomfortable I can’t go out of my bedroom. I either am in my bedroom or completely leave the house. His brother will get mad stop talking to my boyfriend and sit there silent really mad slam his controller when I try to just make a meal..I hate it. my boyfriend notices and says he can’t kick him out. My boyfriend says “why do you care” when I tell him almost everyday because it stresses me out so bad. I care because I’m treated like shit by his brother on a daily basis :/ my boyfriend gets really stressed whenever I tell him but I really can’t take it. The place I live in is not a safe space for me anymore. I don’t know how to cope.

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