Is it normal for me to always accommodate my friend and agree to their terms? Long story short, friend expected me to wait for her to do her thing when she is the one who had to go off soon and got really angry when i did not want to. Of course she got her way in the end and even told me off about my behaviour.

She got really angry when i did not want to wait for her to buy her drink (that is getting restocked later) at the store when we were rushing for time. Check out my profile for the full story posted on AITA.

Whenever i initiate meetups it is always with conditions like finding a restaurant to accommodate her no carbs diet, finding a restaurant that is pet friendly and near her house (she always has to bring her dog whenever i meet her), only meeting on weekdays. No problem on that.

Apparently during these meetups, she was unhappy/offended with some things i say? i didn’t even know what things as we always ended off on a good note. she told me i am giving off negative vibes and she don’t want to be around me so she has been avoiding me. On hindsight, i am the one initiating meetups (silly me). i don’t know what to make of it? i will have to think through everything i say to her for fear of offending her (if i ever talk to her again)? im so depressed after this as she called me negative, and verbally abuse? when the whole thing started after i suggested for us to go… she didn’t even ask me if i’m ok to wait for her.

help… i will definitely try to not offend her again but it’s hard finding the correct thing to say.

  1. It seems like you’re the only one who wants the friendship. Why would you want to inflict such pain on yourself? Why befriend her in the first place?

  2. This is definitely not your fault. And if such a person makes you feel guilty, you should keep as much distance as possible. This person does not respect you at all and will make your life more and more difficult.
    Even though it may not be easy to let them go. It is important otherwise this will pull you down extremely in the long run.

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