Over the weekend my boyfriend and I went out drinking. Once we got home, we had a conversation about the fact that we haven’t said I love you yet. We’ve been dating for around 9 months but it’s a long distance relationship (2 hours away) so we only see each other every other weekend or so. Long story short, I alluded to the fact that I am in love with him and he didn’t reciprocate. The reasoning was partially due to the distance and partially due to the fact that he’s said it to two other girls but those relationships didn’t end up working out.

He mentioned the pace of our relationship being slower due to distance and hesitation since we don’t live in the same town (we will in roughly a year). However I’m feeling really discouraged. He treats me amazing and always talks about how lucky he is to have me and how much he likes me. But I’m feeling pretty embarrassed/rejected and would love any thoughts/advice?

SUMMARY – tl;dr
I’ve been in a very happy relationship with my boyfriend for 9 months. However, I’m feeling discouraged that he doesn’t feel the same way or at least isn’t ready to say I love you. Any advice?

  1. People fall in love at different paces. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate you any less. Just keep enjoying the relationship. He’ll say it when he’s ready.

  2. I’d think after 9 months of seeing each other every other weekend he should be a bit more clear about his feelings. That’s 18 weekends.

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