24M. Call me an old soul but it seems like every time I ask a girl that I have been talking to I get ghosted. It could be a dinner, movie, anything and the outcome is the same. Doesn’t matter where I met them either. Can be dating apps. In person, hell they could have even came and asked me for my number. The only common denominator is that I ask them out after a day or two. Is this too soon to ask for a date? I’m not a big tech guy. I don’t have socials and I am from the ranch lol. I don’t mind texting someone but I also don’t like to waste time. I wanna get to know someone face to face. Not through a screen that I can hide behind. Thanks guys!

  1. You’re doing it right.

    Rejection is part of the process.

    As a guy, you’ve got to fight through the noise to get the attention of attractive women, and it’s a tight market. It always seems like other guys have it easier, etc.

    Keep working on yourself. Go to the gym, practice a craft or skill and get really good at it. And grind at your job.

    Over time you’ll notice slow but steady improvement.

  2. Every time? Maybe you should start a diary and start listing down names. That’s what I used to do. That way, I don’t conflate numbers by saying inane things like *every girl* when you’ve only asked out 5 women in the past year. Ask out, in person, one woman a week. At the end of the year, you should have 50 rejections. Though if you don’t convert at least 10%, there’s something definitely wrong with your approach.

    There are serious women out there looking for a serious relationship. Those are the tiny minority. The vast majority of app girls are either looking for a text buddy entertainer, swiping when bored, or only interested in the top 10%. If a girl says she needs to get to know you better over text when you ask her out, she’s not serious. If you push for a date, she’ll kill that golden goose, because it’s not laying any more eggs.

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