The woman who has to help every single time. Trust me, it’s in there 😂

  1. In my experience it’s because if I take more than 2 seconds and a woman is present she will butt in and grab the item

  2. We put our minds into finding the thing then we forget what we’re looking for so we get a drink to not be empty handed

  3. It’s about responsibility and ownership, something that is very rarely actually evenly shared. There’s usually someone “in charge” of any specific thing. It’s also just more efficient.

    When I lived alone, I knew where everything in my kitchen was, because not only did I put it there, I developed the organization plan myself. Now, that’s my wife’s domain, and I just go along with what she wants there.

  4. In my case, it’s because she moved the item from where I put it and hid it somewhere else in the fridge.

  5. Haha I swear I have this thing where my brain blocks out the item I’m looking for. That or things have a way of magically disappearing then reappearing once I give up and look somewhere else lol. So I’m blaming either my stupid brain playing tricks or magic. I will say look for my water bottle, and scan the entire room, look all over the house, and it’ll be right in front of me the entire time in the first place I looked.

  6. I’m too tall to see the bottom door shelf! My partner figured this out, didn’t say anything, and started hiding their beer from me there lol

  7. I’ve always believed I’m just bad at finding things until I started living alone.

    Suddenly, things started staying where I put them…

  8. B/c women like to rearrange/organize every thing. An item can be in the same spot for years, and then she will rearrange/organize every 2 months for a while. I believe its called “nesting”. As a result, a guy soon learns its just easier to ask every time where something is, rather than have to hunt for it every time!

  9. For me it’s either laziness or the height difference. Some shelves are legitimately harder to see.

  10. Because we’re not mind readers, so we don’t know where you put things. Why can women never find things in the toolbox? The medium Phillips is RIGHT THERE where it’s always been!

  11. Because mens vision is motion based it’s also why we can lose things that’s right in front of us.

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