I’m super glad he’s there and hope Ukrainians take this as a sign of continued US support, and curious to hear your guys’ opinions too!

  1. Not many feelings about the visit. I’m opposed to a proxy war with Russia that’s wrecking Ukraine to feed the military indurial complex.

  2. I dont exactly have an opinion on it other than wondering why he can’t just have a phone call with Zelensky instead.

  3. I’m no fan of Biden, generally speaking, but I am all for the leader of my country thumbing their nose at Putin and reminding them we don’t play by his imaginary rules for the world.

    He has my full support.

  4. I feel like maybe he should have gone to Ohio first, but whatev.

    Also Holy shit did he look like an old man walking next to Zelensky

  5. I’m pretty pleased about it. When we look back on history and reflect on how unbelievably genocidal russia was in Ukraine, it’ll be good to see that our country was on the right side of something, especially seeing as we had our blunders and grave errors and even crimes elsewhere.

    Those “I don’t want a proxy war!!1!” and genocide apologist people are going to look like those imbeciles marching in NYC in 1939 saying “Hitler hasn’t attacked us! Why war with Hitler?” It’s not a proxy war, in the sense that all the isolationists and genocide apologists think of it as solely US interests and doesn’t help locals (helping Ukrainians protect themselves from genocide is worth it), to help your friends, downvote away, isolationists.

  6. Not a fan of Biden at all. But I think it’s great he is going to Ukraine in person. He has my support here

  7. I agree with supporting Ukraine, but the timing of it regarding the Ohio disaster just seems like he’s making himself an easy target for the Freedom Caucus et al to say “The Democrats care more about sending billions to a foreign war while ignoring a natural disaster harming their own citizens.”

  8. I think it was a good move and I hope he keeps helping Ukraine. They’re really going to need the equipment for Spring.

  9. Not a Biden guy myself, but he’s done good here. I’ve been hoping and waiting for this to happen, and IM glad to see it did!

    Props to the Secret Service tho, I’m sure they had a lot of sleepless nights planning for this. It really does make sense why you always see agents with half a bottle of liquor in their drawers 😂

  10. He’s spending a lot of time paying off other countries problems instead of dealing with our own, like the Ohio situation that he’s choosing to ignore.

  11. I didn’t even know he was there. I guess it’s good to try to keep our foreign relations good

  12. Very happy with it. I get we (America) is not perfect but stuff like this makes me proud to be an American. I hope that both people from the right and left politically can see how powerful of a move this is, I know they won’t but I sure as well do.

  13. Super glad he did it. It’s super important to continue to support Ukraine militarily, economically, and morally for as long as it takes. Plus, it’s nice to see all the isolationists come out of the woodwork because they can’t understand that you can care about things at home AND abroad too.

  14. Indifferent. I haven’t kept up with the war, it’s not something I’m particularly concerned about.

  15. While I’m not a fan of Biden, supporting corrupt countries with legitimate Nazi problems, and Americas need for perpetual warfare… I respect it.

  16. It is very important for the free world to continue supporting Ukraine. The fight happening in Ukraine is relevant to the world and we must stand up to authoritarians who think they can attack sovereign nations. Biden’s visit is another example of this support.

    People here are commenting on how he didn’t go to Ohio but I am more upset with the lack of support Norfolk Southern has shown there. It’s the companies fault it happened. The president visiting there is kind of irrelevant to me, this isn’t a natural disaster it’s a disaster caused by an independent company… not Biden.

  17. I’m more interested in how he even managed to get there. As I understand it, Ukraine is a no-fly zone according to Russia, and Air Force 1 is, technically, a military aircraft. Now, would Russia be crazy enough to shoot down a plane carrying the leader of one of the world’s superpowers without actually already being at war with that country? I guess the answer is no after all, but this is Putin we’re talking about. Secret Service must’ve shitting bricks during the whole thing, from planning to landing.

  18. Will visit Ukraine and completely ignore Ohio. Yeah, screw him. If he was actually a strong president, the war in Ukraine would never have even happened to begin with.

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