This is sort of a rant but also not. My coworker is the most annoying mother fucker ever. She constantly tries to show me “funny” tiktoks and MUST commentate on all the videos she’s watching. I do not care. I don’t care what’s her thoughts are about whatever she is doing, I simply find her very existence annoying. She constantly sticks her fat blubbery ass in my face and I’ve reported her for it. She always talks to her online discord boyfriend on the job while I’m right next to her and have to hear her “UwU rawr xd” voice and I can not stand her. She tries to micromanage me when I’m trying to do my job, she’s jealous that I’m being promoted after she’s been here for 2 years and I’m only a month in. She watches her videos at full blast meanwhile when I watch my shit (which she still comments on it) she’ll say my shit is too loud when it’s at MAYBE a good 20% volume. She constantly complains about gaining weight, meanwhile she stuffs her face full of oreos, a full pizza, mozzarella sticks, 8 cans of soda and energy drinks and has the audacity to ask me what she’s doing wrong. I hate, loathe, despise everything about her.

  1. Well if you are being promoted are you gonna be moved to another space?
    Tell her you are there for work and would like to focus on your work, you aren’t interested in tiktok videos, and conversations that are constantly disruptiving your work. Be honest but calm.. if she does it again after you tell her completely ignore her, if she does it a third time go to HR

    Try to channel some of the energy you feel towards her somewhere else, you are building up frustration and resentment and it could explode in the wrong way, hurting your employment. Also do not and I repeat do not tell her anything about her weight or appearance.. that is a sure way for you to have issues with HR

    Good luck

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