How many swipes do you take when shaving? I shave every two days so barely more than stubble, i use a two blade razor for sensitive skin, I do six swipes per blade width. Is that too much? I feel like this is such a weird basic question and I should know this but my dad was an electric shaver. He also was a firm believer in the mentality of if you dont know how to do it that’s on you. I have to make this longer so just ignore anything after electric shaver. I have to make it 500 words or it won’t get posted so sorry about this.

  1. I shave once a week and use an old fashioned single bladed razor… I do probably 2-3 swipes but that’s mostly just to ensure that I didn’t miss any spots. 1-2 is enough to shave any given spot.

  2. r/wetshaving might be helpful. I lather up and do one pass in the direction of hair growth, then lather again and do a pass against the grain.

  3. The correct number of swipes is the number it takes to remove the hair to the point where you can run your hand over the skin and not feel scratchiness or stubble. Varying direction can help as well, though I would spring for the 5 blade razor if you’re going to do that. Razors with a higher blade count reduce the likelihood of cutting yourself if you’re not shaving straight up and down. IMO people use too much lather, and so can’t see if the hair has been removed. I barely if ever use any sort of pre-shave, or shaving cream, and as long as I follow with something soothing rarely have issues with bumps or irritation. Typically I’m at like 1-3 swipes. I let my growth go for 3-4 days first, as it seems to help limit irritation if I’m not hitting it every day. Not everybody has that option, but if you do and have been dealing with razor burn and such maybe give it a few more days.

    Edit: Almost forgot to mention that when you’re checking to see if a section is smooth make sure to drag your hand across in multiple directions. Hair grows different directions in patches, so dragging your hand one way it will feel smooth, and another like sandpaper. Shaving against the grain, dragging the razor so the bottom blade hits first you barely have to exert any pressure, but you’ll get way smoother.

  4. I’m an electric shaver fan, two to three passes suffices.

    On those very rare occasions where I use a (single blade) safety razor, two passes would suffice, unless the blades were getting dull.

    Makes a big difference when the stubbles been moist for a while (softer, easier to cut).

  5. I shave about once a week. I do as many passes as needed.

    I use Gillette Blue 3 razors. Two blades doesn’t work well for me.

    I shave when I’m in the shower.

  6. I wet shave with a classic safety razor. It depends on the blade I put in it. With a Derby blade I do 3 passes, with a Feather blade I can do 2 passes. I use a new blade for each session.

  7. I shave every handful of days with a straight razor. Always right after a shower, but I don’t use shaving cream. It’s never been a problem.

    I make many small strokes, and will cover the same area going both with and then against the grain of the hair. Exception would be my Adam’s Apple, which makes the geometry stupid and complicated.

    Then a non alcohol balm and it’s all good.

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