Let me get something out of the way first, I love Sofaygo. He has been my favorite artist since 2019, and his music is absolutely fantastic. Recently however, my girlfriend hasn’t been a huge fan. It used to be fine we would listen to him and sing along to his songs in my car and I would play them when we would makeout/bang. Whenever we would go on a date/hangout I would put on music to set the mood, and usually that meant putting on Sofaygo. But recently she’s been asking me to play something else. For example, the other day we were in the back of my car before making out and I put on Applause. She then asked me “Can we listen to The Weeknd or Drake instead?” I obliged and put the music on but it just wasn’t the same. Last night I picked up her parents (because we were having dinner with them), and she got upset because I was playing WoWo in the car (I wanted to make a good impression after all). She told me to stop sending her snippets of his music and pictures of him (I use them as reactions to her text instead of emojis). She said that I have to stop or else I’d risk her leaving. I love her very much but I also love Sofaygo, what do I do?

  1. Are you the same guy that was thrusting to the beat of that super awkward song? I think the other one was better

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