i mean how do i talk, be good at human relationships exc. like him ?

  1. Have you watched either of the shows? Like, all the way through? You do not want to be like Saul Goodman.

  2. Start with a law degree, then practice law. Once you get to that stage we can discuss how you become a massive criminal.

  3. You can have a team of writers give you a script and time to learn it. That is a show, and the scenes were written and discussed by a group of people to produce that final outcome. If you want attributes of that character or specific skills then I would make a list of them. After you have done that you look for how to grow that in yourself.

  4. Ultimately what you’re witnessing and wanting to capture is the confidence. His rapid fire, catch phrase ridden, double triple quadruple meaning jibber jabber isn’t really going to get you where you want, but being sure of yourself and confident enough to spar playfully with strangers is a reasonable goal and useful for sure.

  5. You ask a really talented director to spend majority of his life creating a persona for you, once he is finished you just follow the script.

  6. If you wanna be like him where he communicates well, I would suggest rewatching and acting it out. Practicing first on your own and then practicing on people. Look at how he speaks, what he says in certain situations and then I guess just act it out.

    Practice is how you’re going to get there, putting yourself into social situations and forcing yourself to speak. Remember to always think before you speak. Practice alone first (creating situations for yourself or pretend you’re replying to a post on reddit but in person or any kind of basic conversation) then on family and then move on to friends if you have any and then strangers.

  7. I too have looked at characters and wanted to emulate them. We in the comments are grtting hung up on the fact Saul Goodman is not someone to be emulated.

    With that said, here are actual suggestions that I myself am trying to implement daily.

    Stop and breath:
    Silence is a powerful tool in conversation. Being comfortable with silence is antithetical to our natural tendecies but can project and requires confidence. Periods of silence will allow you to breath and reorient any thoughts you may have.

    Go to the Gym/Be Active/Healthy
    If you are comfortabke in your own skin that allow you to build up your confidence. Working out and being active will release a lot of chemicals that can make you happier. You will also be healthier which if you have had any breathing problems or shortnes of breath can help alleviate that. Generally the gym also requires proper form therefore potentially fixing your posture by proxy. You may also become passionate about it and somewhat of a subject matter expert.

    Active Listening/Body Positioning
    Enaure you are not just waiting to talk; take a genuine interest in what others have to say. I try to live by the saying “Every person you meet can teach you at least one thing.” That can be in what to do or not to do. While you are talking to someone put your entire body towards them. What does that mean? It mean your toes point towards the person. You have yourself planted on your feet. (You may have to squeeze your butt cheeks together to keep from wandering which has the added benefit of transferring any nervous energy from your pacing to your hands. You can make gestures to ennuciate any points your are making.) Square your shoulders and look at the speaker.

  8. If you watch the show, he was quite bad with human relationships. I was good acting and manipulating people. Practicing would help: joining a theater, working in sales…

  9. He is a CON man, a confident man. He’s acting. He’s playing a part to manipulate people into doing what he needs/wants. He is not good at human relationships, as evidenced by the fact he destroys all the relationships he has in his life.

    If you want to learn how to socialize, there are hundreds and hundreds of books. The best place to start is to figure out what keeps you from socializing now. You need to address your anxiety first, perhaps any trauma from your past. So basically, you have to work on yourself. Then you have to actually go out and talk to people. But like I said first you need to get your head right, It’s easy to talk to people once you stop overthinking and worrying about interactions.

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