Basically the title. My guy friend “Matt” and I got really drunk yesterday and he confessed to me that he’s been into me for months and sometimes fantasizes about him and his buddy “tag-teaming” me.
I have never even heard that term before and I didn’t even know what to say.

I’m extremely attracted to Matt but don’t really know the guy friend he’s suggesting as I’ve only met him a handful of times. He told me to think about it and let him know. I don’t know if I’m against it but idk? Advice?

  1. The guy I’m talking to and seeing asked for a 3 sum and told me he knew someone. I immediately shut it down and said I wasn’t comfortable, I believe I made the best decision because im not into stuff like that

  2. Is there a reason you wouldn’t just offer up a FWB with Matt? If you don’t want to have sex with the other guy, don’t.

  3. Matt really likes to jump off the high dive blindfolded lol. Most people just say they like you first, Matt skips all the cute stuff and goes right to the WWE Tandem event

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