Why not?

  1. Vegas. I have zero interest. I even found the airport obnoxious when I stopped on a layover.

    I aslo have no desire to see the Mona Lisa, although I would like to return to the Louvre. The reason is because everything I’ve heard about the Mona Lisa makes it seem like you really can’t see much because everyone suddenly acts like paparazzi when get near it. You can get a better perspective just looking at a print.

  2. All of the popular ones. Nothing ruins a famous tourist attraction like tourists. I’m looking for hidden gems if I’m traveling. Ideally I would know someone in the area and get a behind the scenes tour.

    Machu Picchu was kind of an exception due to its remoteness. Once you get past the tourist trap at the base of the mountain, it’s pretty spectacular up there.

  3. Mount Rushmore. Gigantic carved faces of dead men in the middle of nowhere doesn’t sound like a fun time to me. I’d rather just hike a regular, faceless mountain.

  4. It wasn’t on my bucket list but I recently went to Vegas for work and it’s just unbelievably extravagant and wasteful. The water show so over the top, and everyone is stopping me on the street telling me to check out this show or that strip club. Just an obscene place overall

  5. Santorini

    It’s crawling with Instagram and TikTok influencers. It’s impossible to do anything decent because everyone thinks they’re the main character there

    A friend of mine told me there’s a wall there where people go during lunchtime to reserve a spot in order to take a picture with the sunset like 7 hours later. Shit is absolutely ridiculous

  6. Dubai. I will never waste my money even if I had them, to visit a place where everything is so superficial and artificial.

  7. When i was in Thailand, everyone wanted to see and pet tigers and elephants. I love animals, but those proud creatures don’t belong under our thumb like that.

  8. The London Eye.

    Overpriced, you’re shoved into a pill-shaped capsule for half an hour with strangers, and frankly there are higher points in London that cost less or are free. Alternatively Parliament is free to enter commonly during the week, and London has some of the best free museums in the world. No need to spend money on tourist traps like the London Eye.

  9. If you go to Marrakech dont go the yves saint lauren garden. Its the biggest waste of 6$ ive ever experienced. The garden itself is very nice but theres so many instagram influencers there its damn near impossible to walk. If you accidentally walk in their shot they will scream at you. The climb over everything like god damn children and i feel bad for the staff who have to try and kindly ask them to not step on plants and shit. Also the gift shop everything is insanely priced, not just usual gift shop prices, like what kinda hash are you smoking prices.

  10. The leaning tower of Pisa. It’s a crooked building in a nice area. Just so people can do that same fake pose to look like their holding it up or something.

  11. Dubai, too many rich scumbags there and I don’t want to get caught in the middle of a desert storm.

  12. I always did want to visit Mexico but after stumbling upon a few cartel threads on here that’s no longer the case. I’m in New Zealand and up until I read about some of the horrific things they have done, I always thought of them as nothing more than armed drug dealers. How wrong I was about that.

    A lot of links that warned with NSFL but like a nosey neighbour I just had to have a peek and my god how I regret that. One link was more than enough.

  13. The pyramids, screw Egypt man. Being a tourist in those countries is HARD. I went to Morocco and every single fucking minute these dirty dudes run up to me yelling “PRADA, GUCCI” while waving sunglasses in my face. I want to fucking relax and take in the scenery during my vacation but here I am handling these jerks like I’m at work again. And the best part is when I KINDLY decline they start screaming and swearing at me in their language.

    By the end of my weak I had gone almost insane. At this point whenever someone sweared at me after declining I just started yelling at them. Overall countries like egypt and Morocco are deffinetly off my bucket list. But I believe if I went to a NON-TOURIST place it would be pretty ok

  14. Pretty much everything save for the northern lights.

    I hope I get to see Aurora Borealis some time in my life, but I could take or leave just about everything else – they just don’t excite me.

  15. Times Square New Years Eve. I don’t think I’ve heard a single positive thing about it.

  16. Auschwitz for many reasons that normal people would realise, and others that are less obvious.

    Background: I have had a few work contracts that took me to Poland pre-pandemic. Each time I was there in Małopolska I thought about going to pay my respects, to learn the history, and to pass along what I learned personally to my kids, family, peers, and friends.


    Each time my local colleagues suggested that I don’t do it because of the obvious – you’re going to a mass grave where a million innocent people were exterminated. However what I was suprised to hear is that the other reason why it’s inadvisable to go is because of the droves of young people who call themselves “influencers” who have ZERO TACT and RESPECT for what the area is.

    Anyone with half a brain would be twice disgusted – the fact you’re going to a gas chamber where innocent men women and children died, and a bunch of kids who are live streaming, flashing peace signs in selfies, balance-beaming on the traintracks, doing yoga poses, smiling and just plain talking and having a good time is really really saddening.


    I almost feel that you should sign a waiver before you enter the area.


    It’s for these reasons I’ll never go. The salt mines near by Krakow are pretty cool if anyone is thinking about checking out touristy things in the area, and GREAT on a hot summer day!

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