I am seriously considering ending it with my boyfriend after an incident that happened 2 nights ago.

We went out for a drink with our two friends, when it was time to go home, one of our friends wanted to go out for a curry. My boyfriend wanted to go home, so I told him that we could just skip the curry and go home. We decided to get a takeaway on the walk home for convenience. My friend was quite set on going for the curry and was acting irritated. This caused my boyfriend and him to have an argument, which resulted in my boyfriend throwing his takeaway on the sidewalk in a tantrum. I then showed him I was not happy with his actions and he then proceeded to grab my takeaway out of my hands and throw mine on the sidewalk.

I was gobsmacked. I’m angry at him and can’t believe he did that. I’m really struggling to calm down. I would NEVER dream of doing that to someone, especially my partner. I feel like in order to do that, you mustn’t have any respect for the person you’re doing it to.

  1. Yes, this is utterly ridiculous behavior for a nearly 40 year old man. He is having a little toddler tantrum and throwing food he doesn’t like. Embarrassing honestly.

  2. Older men will target younger women because women their own age know better than to put up with their shit. That’s pretty abhorrent behavior, I’d take it as a lesson for your next relationship.

  3. Why on earth are you dating a man 12 years your senior who acts like he’s 12 years your junior?

    The immaturity is baffling.

  4. Leave the boy-man!! FFS a 37-year-old throwing food during a tantrum, you can do way better!!

  5. Don’t calm down. Get yourself out the door. Who does that???
    It’s clearly not the only time he’s behaved like a toddler.

  6. I’d be ashamed and embarrassed to be with someone who acts like that as a man, as a woman I can only imagine it’s worse since no man should ever act like that

    You’re dating a petulant child from the sounds of it

  7. You are dating someone 12 years your senior, and are asking about his behaviour which would be inappropriate for a child.

    a) he’s acting poorly for any person, adult or otherwise

    b) if anyone wants to excuse it because he was drunk, he’s making poor decisions about his alcohol consumption if it makes him this way. Not to jump to ‘he’s an alcoholic’, but that in a given evening he cannot meter his drinks to avoid being an insufferable twat. At 37.

    There is not a lot of background information, such as how long you’ve been together or how entangled your lives are with each other, but if this is a newer relationship, cut it off before it gets worse. A year and a half is about the limit for the honeymoon period. If you’re more involved (living together, kids, joint expenses) then you need to start planning on getting out. He was 30 when you graduated high school (assuming typical leaving age). If you’ve been together 2y or more, you’re still developing emotionally and psychologically, and he’s been influencing this during your relationship. That will affect you when you’re older.

    I’m 36 myself. Growing up I was told that 25 is that magic age where people are *really* adults. Yes, you can drink and vote and drive and join the military earlier than that, but you don’t really become Adult You until about 25. I didn’t get it until I myself reached that age, and it is pretty spot on.

  8. A lot of people are going to focus on the age gap, but that’s irrelevant here. In your position, I’d drop this guy even if he were 25.

  9. This is why you shouldn’t date old(er) creeps. Have you not read any reddit posts? Every 2nd post is about an asshole older guy who acts like a toddler and a young chicklet who’s oblivious as fuck. ‘He broke my hand, but he’s a super nice guy, what do I do’?

  10. A 37 year old who acts like an 8 year old. You can do way better than that. Leave him in the hole you found him in and date a grown man.

  11. Another age gap?! Oh boy who would have guessed?

    Is humanity doomed? This sub makes it seem like it…

  12. >(37M) (25F)
    >which resulted in my boyfriend throwing his takeaway on the sidewalk in a tantrum. I then showed him I was not happy with his actions and he then proceeded to grab my takeaway out of my hands and throw mine on the sidewalk.

    I’m shocketh.

    When you get tired of being his mommy i’m sure you can find a good man your own age that knows how to act like an adult and treats you with the love and respect you deserve.

  13. This is the start of a path that only leads very bad places.

    Destruction of property is abuse. This is the beginning.

  14. Eww. He’s 37 and acting like a child? You’re more mature than him and you know it. Let him go and don’t look back.

  15. This dude is close to 40, has never matured and never will.

    Dump. There’s people your own age capable of adulting better than this oversized toddler.

  16. Age gap strikes again. Any man more interested in a woman 12 years younger is going to be immature for his age. Dump him and date a peer.

  17. Dude, has some serious anger issues. Next time you make him irritated, he’s going to lash out at you possibly directly and physically

  18. Lmao imagine acting this way at 37.

    Also, imagine dating a 25yo at 37. No surprise when you’re still in the mental stage of throwing food on the ground when you’re mad.

    Leave this idiot.

  19. Sounds like that tosser doesn’t know how to curry favor with his friends and lovers…

    Maybe you should kick *him* to the curb luv?

  20. Your post history is concerning. This dude lives at home and throws tantrums like a child. Meanwhile a year ago, at 24, you were on Reddit talking about feeling broody and incomplete because you are childless and feel your “window is closing” which is fucking insane. I sincerely hope you are not putting up with garbage because you’ve convinced yourself you’re on a tight schedule. You’re not. And if you don’t pull your head out of your ass you’re going to end up with children with a shitty dad and you having to raise them while being broke.

  21. He did go too far.

    And this is another classic age gap story. And we need so much info here:

    1. Why are you with someone 12 years older than you? How old were when you met?

    2. Has he done this before? How does he treat you in general? Why is he with someone 12 years younger than him?

    Are you afraid there are no others to be with? Did you have anyone in your family, maybe a brother or father that acted like this? Did your mother date someone like this?

    We dont know if you have any trauma from earlier that makes you accept a man 12 years older than you behaving like that.

  22. I’m a mother of 3 grown children and have nannied about 10 other kids for 3-7 years each. I’ve never met a child who would do either of those things. Throwing their own food or someone else’s food. I admit I may be lucky, and I’m definitely a very good parent/nanny (did gentle parenting and natural consequences wayyyyyyyy before that was a thing). But damn. I can’t imagine anyone being that selfish in public at that age without having a bunch of other extremely narcissist traits.

  23. Any violence that is directed at you but isn’t actually harming you should be taken as the threat that it is. This time your food hit the pavement, next time it will be you. You’re spot on with the respect train of thought. Nobody that respects or cares about you would treat you that way.

  24. Why are you dating someone 12 yrs older than you??? Find someone your age instead of someone pushing 40 who acts like a toddler.

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