Have you done this? If so, what were your reasons?

  1. It is your psychology that is making this an issue. They don’t care like you do. They are just going about their life.

  2. Yeah I’ve done this. Typically it’s either that im swiping through stories trying to find something interesting and if the first one doesn’t capture my attention I just skip onto the next person or I skip them because I simply don’t like taking the time to go through all of them sometimes

  3. I’ll tell you why, because people feel like consuming slaves. That’s why I deactivated my account.

  4. people use social media for dopamine hits. your story jus wasnt hitting. it was either boring, they dont care, accidentally clicked it. if your talking to someone new they might be doing that to mess w you

  5. What psychology? Lmao, it’s generally not that someone decided to watch one of your stories. Sometimes they are just going through the stories of the people they follow and keep swiping left to see if there’s something interesting. I don’t particularly go out of my way to ignore the rest.

  6. It’s not psychology or anything deep. Instagram autoloads the next story you haven’t seen/watched. I swipe past whatever it is because I didn’t want to see that person’s stories but Instagram made me. So that would make the first story “seen” and then one would just swipe to the next person/page whatever

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