Okay so I am freaking out. I was out on saturday with my friends and my boyfriend, it was only his second time meeting my friends as we’ve not been together long.

Anyway one of my friends had WAY too much to drink and was also on drugs and while my boyfriend was playing a game, the friend was sat next to me. I had a bit of a drunken wobble about being self conscious about my weight after seeing myself in the bathroom and my friend noticed and asked if I was okay, so I told him and he started to say how I good I looked and my boyfriend is super lucky.

He then slid up closer to me and started to touch my thigh. I just froze. I’ve had a past that makes me freeze up with stuff like this and I just managed to grab his hand and put it down on the seat to get him to stop. When I saw my boyfriend I jumped up out of the chair and ran over to him and stuck to him like glue.

I haven’t told him. I haven’t spoken to the friend about it either. My anxiety is through the roof as my ex was SUPER SUPER jealous about me even looking in a guys direction and would make my life hell over something like this.

I’m so scared to tell him but even more scared to not say anything. If this trivial enough to keep quiet?

  1. Yeah just tell him.

    Leave no time for the story to be rewritten in the other dudes favor.

  2. Make sure you cut all ties with that “friend” or you will have more issues in the future. Once you have done this Than you can address it with your boyfriend. Letting him know you addressed it will help you both move forward

  3. Definitely never spend alone time with this guy again. I would tell my boyfriend because we trust one another implicitly. If you trust your boyfriend, and you should be able to, tell him!

  4. Yes u yell your bf…and be prepared for him to be pissed. But rather him be pissed than this come out down the road and he think u were complicate and hid it.

    Be forewarned however this “friend” IS NOT a friend of your relationship and has made that clear… drunk or not he intended to insert himself between u and your bf…. id separate and distance yourself bc he will try again.

  5. I wouldn’t tell him. However if your very new boyfriend scares you this much you should consider your relationship.

  6. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG HERE. Freezing is a super common response to unwanted touching, especially in women. You didn’t encourage his groping, condone it, or enjoy it. You stopped him and left the situation.

    You would be in the wrong only if you didn’t tell him, because he deserves to know his friend is a creep. If, like your ex, he somehow blames you for what happened rather than his friend he’s not a good partner. If you are genuinely scared he may go off the handle about this that’s concerning and I’d give some real thought to WHY you’re afraid to tell him: a good relationship is all about open communication.

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