Me and an ex had a good breakup that turned sour a month after we broke up. Later was blocked on everything and reached out a couple months later to apologize but i wasn’t really the one who was supposed to apologize. we both weren’t perfect but she was extremely toxic after the relationship which is why i cut her off resulting in her blocking me. she wanted to talk over text but i told her we can talk it out on the phone and just let me know when you can. she took over a month to say she was down to talk on the phone out of nowhere but i didn’t respond because she was with her friends. A month later i notice I am unblocked on Instagram and snapchat. Should I block her back? If i block her i wouldn’t unblock her unless she came to me with an honest apology in person. We go to school together but haven’t spoke in person since we split just glances.
we’re both 17.
tldr: toxic breakup. she blocked because she got cut off for being disrespectful after breakup. then she unblocked me when i ignored her imessage. should i block her back? I just want things to be right but not unless she can take accountability.

1 comment
  1. You’re 17. You’ll realize it eventually if you haven’t already, but I promise these bullshit games aren’t worth your thoughts or effort.

    Don’t block her, just ignore the shit and move on. Leave it behind you.

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