This is probably the most bittersweet story
you’ll hear in a long time. My girl and I have
been together for around 4 months now. I
first met her in grade 10 (we’re in our last 2
months of grade 12), and we became
friends. She had a bf and I knew I couldn’t
be with her so I kinda just stopped trying to
get her, and we kinda just drifted. We were
really good friends back then, but I think we
just weren’t meant to be friends like that
cuz we had different priorities. I think I was
asking too much from her. I just really liked
her and I wanted to talk to her all the time,
but I guess she didn’t feel the same way at
the time.

We didn’t talk for around 2 years.
In the beginning of grade 12, she’d request
to follow me on instagram and then she’d unrequest. She’d do this a couple times,
usually at night. I knew she wanted to be
friends again, so I requested to follow her.

Fast forward to December of this year, we
got together. Everything was perfect
honestly. We were always hanging out,
always facetiming, and we did everything
together. Basically your typical soulmate
relationship. Slowly slowly we realized that
we wouldn’t make it long term. Firstly, she’s going to Toronto for school while i’m staying in Kitchener. Also, we’re both muslim but I know i’m not muslim enough for her. She’s a very serious muslim and I’m so proud of her for that😁. I’m not as muslim as she is because of how I was raised and how my parents were raised. I’ve always been so proud to be muslim and I always try to further educate myself in our religion, but I don’t think I’ll ever reach her expectations for a muslim man. I don’t want to waste her time or mine, so we decided that we wouldn’t stay together after high school. Even if we did make it long distance, we’d still have the problem of me not being muslim enough for her. We have until August 23rd left together. We decided that we’d love each other until then. She wants us to stop talking after that, because it’d be too hard to get over each other if we’d still talk. We both love each other so much and I agree with her. The other day we were skipping school and we hung out in the backseat of her car like we always do. She finally kissed me, and we kissed a couple more times. We’ve gotten really close and intimate, and I hope we get closer. I know it’ll be really hard for us to get over the fact that we won’t have each other soon, but I plan on giving her some of the best few months of her life before she leaves. I’m going to love her as much as I can until she leaves. What do you guys think, are we doing the right thing?

  1. also sorry for this being so long, i’ve just had a lot of built up emotions and I had to let it out somewhere because she’s sleeping right now 🙃

  2. well the supposedly “most bitter sweet story ill hear” turned into a unhealthy weird mess really fucking fast.

    You are going to love her for a couple of months and then you guys leave? You decided to “love” each other until then and then what? You guys maybe think that its so romantic and some movie like scenario but to me it just sounds like a horrible mess of two people who have never learned to make proper decisions for themself OR are happy and content with who they are. It also sounds like she really does not want you… and uses you for emotional support or gratification.

    Go with what makes you happy but the reality of this relationship sounds horrible to me, personally. Good luck anyway man, i sure hope you have fun!

  3. Muslim here. Dude if you love her so much then do the right thing according Islam. Get a nikah, preferably with the parent’s consent, you don’t necessarily have to live together till after you graduate university and get a job but at least she won’t feel guilty about being with you. Many people do this my own cousin got a nikah four years before she got married and even made their parents think they arranged it. If two people really want to be together they usually find a way.

    Edit: By married I mean, they had a big wedding and then started living together. The nikah is by itself legally binding marriage.

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