As question asks, how often if at all do you send selfies to your guys friends?

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever done that in my life. I’ve sent a few to female friends to ask if they like my clothes but that’s it.

  2. I do not even take selfies all that much. And when I do I feel like its just wrong to do.

    And I damn sure am not sending any to my guy friends unless I am showing them some new toy (bike etc) in the background.

  3. Wait, is that a thing women do with each other?

    I’ve never sent nor received a selfie from another man.

  4. I’m trying to imagine any of my friend’s reactions if I were to send them a selfie.

    They’d probably think I’m having a breakdown or something.

  5. My landlord and I made a bet to see who could grow facial hair the fastest (neither of us are very capable). And that’s the only time I think i’ve sent a selfie to another male

  6. unless it’s a joke one of me smiling with something stupid in the background then never

    last i took was with a friend who’d passed out on the sofa but had half slid off so he was head and shoulders on the floor and feet in the air. wouldn’t send a serious one

  7. Never to INCREDIBLY rarely. I am an adult. Selfies feel like something children and narcissists do.

    If I really wanted a picture of my self somewhere i’d ask a stranger or go with a friend etc but quite frankly I don’t take pictures of my self. There isn’t a reason to do so. If I wanted to share that I went somewhere, I would just talk about my experience.

  8. Not often, but I do to one friend in particular.

    We started an old job at the same time and felt like we were rivals to begin with. One day he smiled and flipped me off. I smiled and flipped him off back.

    He cracked up and said he uses that as a shit test for people and to see how chill they are. We became best friends after that. We’ve moved and made a lot of changes since that day, but we have done some absurdly high-stakes flip offs and still do it today.

    We even get other people into it. Miss him.

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