I’ve been feeling bad about myself because I recently met a man I was excited to get to know. We had made all of these plans of things we were going to do and he told me how he was hoping to meet someone he liked for a relationship. When we saw each other last we made plans for one evening this past week but then he tells me this past week he started seeing someone else in a kind of serious way.

I think I would have had an easier time putting this behind me if the exact same thing didn’t happen to me a month ago with another man. Same thing, he’s so excited to meet me, and then BAM, he wants to be serious with someone else.

I do realize that this could just be a timing issue (these other women were already in the picture before me) but it has been painful to the woman “not chosen” two times in a row. I am also looking for a serious relationship and I’m left feeling like I’m not given enough time with a man or a chance to get to know him before he inevitably chooses someone else. I’m thinking that the next date I go on, I will be very upfront and let them know that I am looking for a serious relationship and would like to be seen as a serious option. I guess I’m not looking for advice but am feeling low and want to vent. I would like to continue to date but now I feel afraid that this pattern will continue to happen with men I like. I want to be seen as a serious option to pursue a relationship with me, not dumped so they can pursue something serious with someone else.

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