Woman here. I’m gonna go on a first date after a long time. Just wanted to see what I can do to not mess it up.

  1. I ask her if she has had any boyfriends before. and if yes, when was the last time she broke up.

  2. What’s your favorite colors or dinosaurs or anything like that. When i was dating i really loved those lol. “Childish” question are some of the best!

  3. Asking about hobbies and what I do in my free time is always cool to be asked, shows they care about what you do outside work and things you have to do

  4. What is something you wish you could do, but never had the chance to do? It’s a laidback question and reveals more about someone’s passion/personality.

  5. “Do you think you could take down a giraffe one on one if you were invisible?”

    “What’s your favorite alcoholic soup?”

    “Do you believe that Bigfoot is just naturally blurry?”

  6. Why do we call it a carpool? Why not a carmunion? Or a cargy? No… Vanterprise… Do you wanna do a drug test? I can do one right now if you’re down.

  7. There’s a few and they are important. Which is why I always asked them.

    “Do you want kids?” or “What’s your ideal family look like” whatever way you wanna phrase it.

    Then of course, “Are you religious?”

    There’s no reason to ever go on a second date if your answers don’t match n those two answers imo

  8. It’s always nice to be asked questions about your interests. Hopefully by this point you’ll know a bit about what they are and may even share some of them. Has he been somewhere or done something that particularly interests you? Ask him about it. That’s the holy grail for me, being in a place where I can talk about what I’m passionate about and for it to actually be a two way conversation because she’s genuinely interested and vice versa. No-one wants to come on a date and for the conversation to be a series of monologues.

  9. Kinda have to read the room as it were. Most dudes like talking about themselves so him talking about himself. Don’t probe to deeply. Let him have some room to embellish. If he give you a bunch of one word answers then he doesn’t want to talk about himself.

  10. Ask questions to make pick brain. For example, “what do you do for a living” then follow up with “why? What makes you choose that? What’s good about it? What do you hate about it? If you had a magic wand and could solve any problem what would it be.” Stuff like that. “What are your hobbies? How did you get into that? Who’s your favorite musician? How does their music make you feel?”

  11. “Your place or mine?”

    Otherwise, I don’t like asking questions on a first date. I’m there to have fun, not conduct an interview.

  12. Hobbies, try to find something in common and if you don’t then try to gain an understanding of his hobbies and why he enjoys them.

  13. Fuckin anything. Jesus christ. If youre on your phone or talking about yourself for 2 hours, then its not a date.

  14. In general, “how” questions reeeeaally catch my attention, i.e “how do you use music/pick a novel/whatever”. Most questions have been “what do you blah”, “why did you blah”, so “how” questions have always stood out.

  15. “would you mind explaining the thought process behind the most recent mtg deck you made as well as the perfect strategy you could execute with it?”

  16. Asking questions is great if you listen carefully to the answers and ask a follow up question to show you are engaged.

    Don’t just ask me to give answers to the questions I asked you! Think up your own questions.

    The questions you should ask are based on what you want to determine from your date, eg looking for short/long term relationship, lifestyle, hopes, dreams and aspirations etc Throw in some fun ones so its not feeling like a job interview, but too flippant will also feel off as well.

    Some of my faves:

    1) what do you think the best way to get to know someone is?

    2) What project are you working on that you are passionate about

    3) What does a typical day look like

    4) Where are we going on our first romantic holiday

    5) What kind of people do you prefer to hang out with

    6) What cheers you up

    7) What accomplishment are you most proud of

    8) Tell me about your best friend

    9) What is love? Define love and a successful relationship

    10) What were you like as a kid

    11) Fave food / Movie / Song

    12) What incorrect assumption do people make about you

    13) What are you most grateful for

    14) Describe your retirement

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