I went on 4 dates with this guy I met on an Hinge. We’re both 24/25. It seemed to be going pretty well and he acted like he really liked me— very physically affectionate and cuddly, texted me often, and the last time we hung out (before he went away for the weekend) he said we should hang out next week AND next weekend, which I thought was even a little overeager tbh. I did kind of sense a shift in the last few days. We were going to meet up this weekend but out of the blue he texted me that he doesn’t feel a connection. We talked about it a little more and he said he initially thought he wanted something long term but realized after going away and some stress at his job this week that he isn’t in the place for that. Which is fine but if that’s the reason I don’t know why he wouldn’t have said that initially instead of saying he didn’t feel a connection. I’m just confused because he acted so interested, including the last time I saw him

  1. I’m sorry this happened. It’s super frustrating. I’ve had it happen too. Guys think they want something and then they get it and realize they aren’t ready or don’t want it, so they back off. Best I can say is believe it, and move on. Good luck

  2. You got love bombed. He got interested quickly and burnt out just as quickly. For next time, try to pace yourself and communicate that you want to take the time to get to know each other.

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