I’ve been doing some reflecting on what I did wrong in past and even way past opportunities. I notice things that I didn’t consider at the time. I always though some people are attractive and get to have sex, and some people aren’t and don’t. Contrarily, some situations may have molded me because I experienced a sort of pecking order amongst my male friends.

I can remember catching looks from girls, and maybe talking a little, but it wouldn’t be long before one of my friends would enter the space, or I’d eventually have to introduce this person I fancied to a friend, and it would be over at that very moment. Right down to the look in the girl’s eyes. I’d be enjoying the person, dating over some days, to an hour after meeting one of my friends, she’s in his car sucking him off. Not every time to THAT extreme, but yes, that happened more than a few times.

I had one or two above average looking friends, but most where not, but all where taller, deeper voiced, huge hands and constantly loud as fuck, talks about heir genitalia a lot. In contrast, I’m mediocre in vocal range, but I do sing, and I’m more thoughtful in the conversation I make. Is it to late to learn how to be loud and overbearing? That’s seem to be the way to attract women.

Even to this day as old people, my best friend still jams shitty rap by rappers that sing about women worshiping their genitalia. His voice normally is 50% deeper and 50% or more louder (even inside voice) than literally everyone. Anytime he opens his mouth, everyone in the room will turn to see WTF. I think it’s annoying. But this friend has also taken most of the girls I ever managed to get interested in me. Even now I can’t have a conversation with a female without him butting in and being Mr loud, world traveled, know it all. I couldn’t compete then and I can’t compete now.

Can I come back from this, and be more like the people I’m angry about in this post, and gain some of that experience I missed? I’ve asked my friends over time: how and why? An they’d tell me to just be bold; whip it out. Make it about your d!ck. I guess I was more about enjoying the person I liked, and never had a chance at the sexual energy.

1 comment
  1. Why are you friends with this guy? It sounds like you have lots of resentment for them, and they don’t even have enough respect to consider your feelings when they’re getting intimate with someone they met through you. I feel any decent bro would at least check in with their bud before getting physical with someone their friend introduced. This isn’t to say that men have dibs or own the people they introduce to the group, but an empathetic friend would probably think to check how their friend feels first before fucking their friend’s attractive new friend.

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