How can men be less horny and focus on goals and achieve them ?

  1. are you a women or a man, if your a women most of us aren’t that horny, if your a man idk, try masturbating less or something also probs ask on r/askRedditafterdark

  2. How old are you? Also regular work-out helped me a lot to stay focused. It channaled my energies elsewhere.

  3. Stop playing with your d*ck, use all your extra energy on your goals. 1 week into it you’ll have no idea how you’ve been able to operate on such low energy as prior. Sleep with real women instead, increases your testosterone and drive to achieve goals if you do it correctly.

    And DON’T take any meds to cure basic instinct stuff. It’s like taking antidepressants because you are sad. You are it for a reason, fix the root cause or use it as fuel.

  4. Make a decision like “I am not going to cum until I complete task x” and then follow through. Suddenly you’ll find incredible drive

  5. That’s what men supposed to do. Men work to become valuable. Our missions and goals are first. So more energy for that.

  6. Understand that if you achieve the goals the attraction from the opposite sex will come and in so potentially giving you a potential sex partner, girlfriend, whatever

    Achieving goals = Appearing confident, desirable and content. All of which are successful traits in attracting partners.
    Having a partner who is attracted to you will lead to them elevating those hormones in fun ways.

    In the meantime while working on those goals be sure to keep active and eat well, masturbate when needed (try not to jerk off every day) and stay true to yourself and your goals

    TLTR – Achieving goals and being independent leads to attention, sex and pleasures of all kinds

  7. If you’re feeling horny, you need to cum first. Because the human brain is like that.If you can’t find satisfaction in something you feel, your brain thinks it’s the first thing you need. So first you have to be satisfied, then you can focus on other things.

  8. I don’t really understand the question. I’m horny but it doesn’t prevent me from focusing on and achieving my goals

  9. Unify the two. What does your dick want which requires hard work and which will improve your life? Surely you could satisfy yourself better if you had more money?

  10. Look up how dopamine affects your behavior, check out healthy gamer gg or any of the multitude of youtubers that talk about productivity and what gets people motivated. It’s not really a gender thing, it applies to every one, but activities we do to avoid tasks may differ.

    Try out some mindfulness, change your diet, practice sleeping the hours that you need every night, find what works for you and stick with it.

    Motivation comes when we’re in a good place, when we’re feeling inspired, confident and not tired. Discipline is what we use to get shit done consistently. You get that just like you get your will, by working it over and over.

  11. Sounds corny but. I just went to the gym or focused on one of my many hobbies that usually works

  12. Find someone to fuck you down!!! Spend a whole weekend doing it, dont even get dressed. That should hold for a little while.

  13. Rub one out, helps you fall asleep. It’s good for prostate health, at least once a day. No porn hub, no Instagram, no tictok, get off social media as much as possible. Find something you can throw yourself into ( for me Ymca weight room) get a little bit obsessed . Think on what could help your career ( and study, by online, night school, whatever). You are exchanging one obsession for another but one that moves you forward. After a couple years in the gym and some career success, I learned not to care about what strangers thought of me. Regardless of what 18yr olds say on Tictok: visibly fit, visibly successful and visibly confident is considered very hot by most adult women.

  14. These seem like 2 different questions.

    Less horny? I wish there was a pill I could take to make it stop. I’d pay a lot for it. Aside from masturbating every morning, I haven’t found anything. That only helps a bit.

    Focus and achieve goals? Of course, how do you think the modern world was built?

  15. By reaching adulthood.

    Seriously, are you 13?

    If you’re horny, have a wank then get on with your day.

  16. I think cause-and-effect between masturbation and goals is overrated. Ofc if they like it, people will work on their life job no matter what, with no excuses and without lack of motivation problems

  17. i already have goals. i’ve yet to fully achieve them, but seeing progress being made makes me happy. i can’t help it that i feel as horny as often as i do. all i can really do is jerk off and try to meet women.

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