Hi, so we had a little talk a few days ago which ended with us both crying. I’m a very anxious person and I got a little upset with his lack of communication. It started with me telling him if he wanted to be with me he had to start acting like it. I then had a mini anxiety attack and he was soothing. In the middle of the convo, I asked if he even wanted a relationship at all and he said he did. He also said he wasn’t upset or mad at me (after I asked if he was) but we haven’t seen each other since that night. Honestly, it feels a little unresolved because he didn’t really say any of his feelings — just ok and I’m sorry.

I feel like I hurt him a little by saying how I felt.

Yesterday, we were gonna go out together but he postponed because he wasn’t feeling well mentally. He said he needed some time alone to think about things and I ended up spending all of yesterday over thinking about what had happened and him. He told me it was because of school but even still, we haven’t seen each other irl since our talk and I’ve tried calling to him not picking up.

I feel like he doesn’t want to see me. All we’ve done is text and we usually snap but we haven’t even done that. I can see him active on social media and he isn’t reading my messages as much as he used to. I miss him a lot and I want to hear his voice. I love him and care about him deeply. I don’t want something I did to impact the relationship — even if it was saying how I felt. I want to see him and talk to him but I also want to give him space. I don’t know what to do because I don’t want to ruin anything.

Any advice?

TL;DR My (19F) bf (19M) and I had a little talk and we haven’t seen each other in days. I think he doesn’t want to see me.

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