or if you don’t yearn to be married, why not?

  1. I never yearned to be married until I met the right person. I don’t think I per say “yearn” for it now even, but it’s something I look forward to doing with my partner one day. I can picture a future forever with him so it makes me want it.

  2. I don’t yearn to be married because I am content with my life as it is. I am happy with my independence and the freedom to make my own decisions without having to consult with another person. I also don’t feel the need to have a partner in order to feel fulfilled.

  3. When I was younger, I definitely did not yearn to be married. I’ve seen too many women be taken for granted. At the moment, I would like to be married to my bf. I want to live my life side by side with him, all the boring stuff, all the fun stuff, the good times, and the bad times. With him, I see a life of companionship and love. If it’s not him, I think it would take me forever to find someone that would make me want to be married.

  4. I do not yearn to be married because I enjoy my independence and the freedom to make my own decisions. I also appreciate the ability to focus on my own personal goals and dreams without having to consider the needs of a partner.

  5. I never yearned to be married, because I never understood how it adds to a relationship. You either love each other or you don’t.

    The only reason I did get married is because of my children. We wanted everything to be legally sound for them when something happens to one of us and a wedding was the cheapest way to do that. We went to city hall for free and that was it.
    If getting things notarised would’ve been cheaper we would not be married

  6. I wanted it desperately my whole life. It was my absolute dream. Why? Because I wanted to be part of a loving family. I wanted to change my last name. I wanted someone to choose voluntarily to spend their life with me. I wanted someone to love me and commit to me and no relationship would ever be enough. I had never been loved, never been part of a real family, never had anyone be loyal to me. Getting married was the greatest achievement of my life. Now I have a new name, a proper family and someone to love me and who I can love. It was a journey, learning to love and be loved, but I got there in the end!

  7. Never did. 3 long term relationships in my life. Wasn’t till my last one I felt like he was *the one* and changed my mind on so so much. He’s amazing and took us a long time to get together…well worth it

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