So I was at my gf house and we were just chilling and we were watching tiktok on eachothers phones it sounds weird but its something we do like we’ll scroll through eachothers insa or look at eachothers snap stories not like snooping just using the social media on eachothers phones. well after looking at tiktoks for awhile she went into my photos so i did the same and we just scrolled through eachothers photos and taking, but i seen a pic of a guy who wasnt me and it was on facetime i clicked it and it was at like 3am, she started acting kinda weird then said it was some guy she used to hangout with who called her saying he was going to jail. First why is he calling you to tell you this if yall don’t talk, also this guy used to like her and tried to R4pe her she said so why is he not blocked and if he did do these things why did she even answer his call. After that i went into her call log and found another dude who used to like her who called her also at like 3am and she said he called bc he got ungrounded and was just saying hi. WHY IS HE SAYING HI AT 3AM and why is he not blocked if he tried to get with you while dating me. I didn’t really wanna talk about it or argue so I just ignored it but it just doesnt sit right with me. Also on valentines day we went to dinner and the drive there she talked about her exes so much and while we were there she talked about them even more. it wasnt like she was saying she missed them she was talking shit about them but still this is our special day and all you can think about is your exes:( Idk if im overreacting I am bipolar so i tend to do that sometimes but this time i personally feel somthings wrong. Please reply if you have advice and lmk if im overreacting or not please it will be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. 18 young and immature. Sit her down and have a talk. “Babe I don’t want to hear about your exes. And I don’t want to see that you have been chatting with them at 3am. If you feel the need to have these guys in your life this is over.” But honestly at your age just break up and tell her. “You are obviously not over your Exes you talk about them all the time and you still video chat them at 3am. I am not interested in competing for your attention.”

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