I was in a very long situationship, for about 2 years (🤡), smth that now I would never do again. When we started talking I was 18F and he was 24M. I ended up blocking him almost 6 months ago because of lies, because of not having a title, specifically because he had a different excuse everytime I would question, but anyways we live and we learn.

I was detaching myself from him while we were still talking because I knew I had to get rid of him, and also because I knew even tho he wasn’t good for me I knew it was going to be a painful process so I decided that doing that while we were still talking would be the best for me, and it was because when I blocked him I felt relief instead of pain.

I don’t feel sad about it anymore, but from time to time I still have certain thoughts and it would make me upset, more because I feel like things could’ve been so simple if he was honest and not because I want him back or anything. Also he is now currently dating the girl he was cheating on me with (she knew about me). So that makes me feel some type of way too.

I definitely feel better, I feel a little dumb for letting certain things happen but I’m growing, i’m human and I make mistakes even if I can’t control them.

I’m at a point now where I slowly want to start dating again, but I’m not sure if I should wait. Whenever that does happen I want to take things slow, but I’m not sure if this is the right time, I don’t want to feel like I’m using someone as a distraction, because im not and that is definitely not my intention, but I do want someone, eventually ofc. I feel ready for it but at the same time I’m not sure 🥴

  1. Need to heal up a bit maybe take 2-3 mos off dating and reflect on what happened and journal it so you don’t repeat the same relationship patterns.

  2. If you feel ready why not? Don’t let guilt hold you back from connecting with new people. You aren’t going back to him so no reason to wait if you feel like dating again. Not rushing you if not vibing it, just go with how you feel.

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