Hi everyone! As the title suggests, I just met a new guy. He is a distant/ old friend of a couple of people in my friend group. We met last week in a gathering but didn’t have much time to talk and get to know each other. But I laid my eyes on him because he is exactly my type.
I told my friends that I found him cute, and they were all so positive about him. They also said we would make a good match. To help us get to know each other better, they are organizing a small pub gathering and inviting him.
Here is the catch, I suck at flirting and I don’t want to mess it up this time or force it.
Do you have any tips on how I should approach? Should my friends go up to him and tell him that they thought I could be a good match for him to make him notice me in that way?

  1. If you’re old enough to meet at a pub, you’re old enough to not have your friends run the game for you.

    Drink, talk. And if you’re so interested when all is said and done, you ask him out.

  2. 2 things right off the bat…

    “They also said we would make a good match” & “But I laid my eyes on him because he is exactly my type”

    Match for what? and be exact with the answer. Secondly, “your type” ..well is your type healthy minded people or just people your drooling over because baseline attraction?

    Why are you actually interested? (have you thought of why? I mean have you really?)

    You say your bad at flirting…So maybe instead you could just be genuinely interested in knowing more about someone instead of trying to ” Flirt ” . You would stand out from the rest of people if you were upfront and genuinely curious about someone, and how well that person would receive that approach. Most people try to flirt and make an ass of themselves trying to read a script they think is cute or charming.

  3. Few things, first be yourself – not some version of yourself that you think he would like. That’s important.

    Second, don’t “drink to get courage” because you could overdo it and really ruin it. I’m not saying don’t have a drink, just make sure you keep your head right.

    Third, having your friends say something is a little 5th grade in my opinion. I’m sure you can get his number, send a text saying something like “it’s X from the other day, heard you are coming out again with us tonight and that’s great!” This plants a seed as well and actually comes from you

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