I recently dated this guy for 6 months. We were exclusive and “heading for a relationship”. Anyways, over the course of dating I tell him about my love of travel and music Ith and that I want go back to London to have a music focused trip. He’s initially like meh not interested in Europe. And I was like well it’s happening for me in2023 if I do it with you or someone else. A few weeks later He says he wants to do it, so we start talking, making plans. I wanted to go in March or April. He wanted later in the year. Eventually, this planning talk fades away and I ask where we are at with a label and future plans. He said he can’t commit to future plans with me anymore and he doesn’t know what he wants relationship wise. So I break up with him, because he’s clearly jerking me around and wasting my time. That was 2.5 months ago. I go and book the trip I wanted to London with a friend shortly after we broke up, since he and I were no longer doing it together. We’ve had minimal contact since we ended and are no longer following each other on ig. Today my friend sends me posts he made that he’s going to London in March, to the exact club I told him about. And I find it so strange. What does it mean?

  1. Like couldn’t commit to doing my idea of future plans together, but now you’re doing my future plans, that I wanted to share with you, without me?

  2. It sounds like he got excited to go to London with or without you, just like you were going to do. It sounds like he is now interested in going to London, which is totally fine. I like that he has developed a new interest because of his relationship with you. He grew because he knew you. This is cool.

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