What keeps a woman happy and interested on every conversation?

  1. Gossip. I hate that fact about myself but god would I endure a horrible conversation for the tea

  2. Every woman is different, so it’s hard to say what will keep every woman happy and interested in a conversation. However, in general, showing genuine interest in what she has to say, being a good listener, and asking thoughtful questions can help keep the conversation going. Additionally, being respectful and not making assumptions or judgments can help to make her feel comfortable and respected.

  3. The best way to keep a woman happy and interested on every conversation is to be an active listener. Ask questions, show genuine interest in her answers, and make sure to give her your full attention. Additionally, be sure to give her compliments and make her laugh. Finally, be sure to stay away from topics that could lead to arguments.

  4. be a good listener.
    don’t be rude or condescending if there’s a difference of opinion or if her hobbies maybe seem a bit “weird” or different. what keeps me interested is when a guy shows interest or excitement even when i’m talking about a rock i found on the ground. avoid talking bad about other women – especially to impress her.

  5. speaking for myself, to be kept interested, i like a convo that can bounce back and forth easily. i can start to zone out if the other person is speaking for too long so maybe keeping me engaged by asking questions or looking for my opinion on things is great. conversations that involve introspective thought are always great and have me realizing new things about myself and the other person. and juicy secrets about each other. and if you’re not in the mood for deep conversations, light hearted topics can be just as great and still be introspective. i used to have a group of friends where we’d ask each other silly questions like “if we were a musical instrument what would we be?” or “if we didn’t have the names we currently have, what other name would suit us?” and we’d share our thoughts and opinions about each other and it would be a funny roastful or even flirty and flattering conversation. it’s always interesting to hear someone’s perception of you. what would keep me happy in a conversation is just affirmations that a person is listening. depending on the topic of course, showing support and matching my energy. giving incite. ooo and random compliments! maybe you liked something i said, maybe you liked HOW i said it. if so, interject and tell me! i’ve had guys compliment me on my voice as i spoke and i love hearing that. same for maybe my laugh. idk compliments of any kind are always welcome.. i love that in conversations. i guess at the end of the day every woman is different! but these are some things that would keep me happy and interested 🙂

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