(Sorry in advance if some info is tangential. I’m not sure what is relevant and what isn’t)

I’m [21M] in my senior year of college and it’s become a personal goal of mine to meet someone before my school ends, because I know it becomes much harder after this stage of life.

This semester I approached a [~21F] girl from my class and asked for her number.

(I actually made a [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/10ghln4/what_am_i_doing_wrong/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) about this because the initial number she gave me was not in service and I was unsure whether to ask or not, but the following week she said she was waiting to hear from me and she actually just mistyped one number in my phone)

I asked to go out for food on campus with her and we did. Afterwards we both agreed we had a good time.

We’ve made plans to go a restaurant next Friday off campus, and I want to make it more explicit that I like her but I’m not sure how.

I was thinking of saying something afterwards like:

“Hey I just wanted to say I really like you and would like to continue getting to know you if that’s alright”

It sounds cringe to me though.

I would appreciate some advice on this as this would only be my second relationship and I’m really not sure how to escalate things with a girl I like.

  1. You asked her out, why do you have to spell it out? You tell her you like her by your actions. Kiss her.

  2. I don’t think you need to come outright and say you like her. After your off campus date, assuming it goes well and you want to see her again follow up and say that you had fun and then see about another date. I think she’ll get the idea that you’re interested in getting to know her more, your actions will speak for you.

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